Fiddler Crabs Anyone?

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Within 36 hours, all three girls have moulted their shells!  Found another this morning.  They are such fun to watch! 
...I would love to offer any help or assistance to anyone that takes a love to The Fiddlers...took some pics yesterday morning and they are here:  if you are interested.  Have also put some care info on some of the pics...What
I have learned so far!  Would love to get some feedback too, with any suggestions or info you may have.  They are such interesting little creatures!
Can you tell, I am hooked?  Smiles, Rebecca
They are absolutely gorgeous crabs you have, and a great looking set up :)
dredgy said:
They are absolutely gorgeous crabs you have, and a great looking set up
Ahhh, Thank You Dredgy!...Took the pics with my little Driod phone...LOL...I count heads every morning...but everyone seems happy!  We want a big aquarium to fit in a corner...looked at custom built, but OOPS...Thanks again...Have a Blessed Week!
Donya said:
Nice looking crabs! What species are they? 
Thank You Donya...and answer to your question...I have no idea! LOL...We lost a little girl though, and that's sad...never know what minute, all seems fine, then next, you are missing one.  Lift up one of the little logs...and there she is!  I want to "rescue" some more anyway...more I "rescue"...the more the store replaces, I realise...what to say!...How do Hermits do with survival?  I had some years ago, when my kiddos were they are fun!  Will go see if you have any pics!  :0)  ps, the music is phenominal!
and answer to your question...I have no idea! 
It's worth having a stab at that. Fiddlers aren't my forte as I'm more of a hermit person, but it should be possible to ID them still. Species can be important to nail that down with many Crustaceans (particularly things found near coasts where a beach and estuary may be very different conditions), since sometimes it can have an impact on what to expect from them long-term both socially and for environment. Do you know what part of the world they were collected from by chance? That would narrow it down a lot.
How do Hermits do with survival?
Marine hermits are usually quite hardy. It's hard to make general statements about them though since they are really very diverse behaviorally, making some a piece of cake while other can be really quite difficult to manage. Coastal marine species tend to be hard as nails since they have to deal with very hostile and rapidly shifting conditions on the beach. The more purely terrestrial hermits are more fragile IME, with things to worry about like mites and fungus that are non-issues for the aquatic species I've kept. Of course, my experience with terrestrial species was also a long time ago (at least 6-7 years before I tried my first marine tank) so the difficulty I found in maintaining appropriate environmental conditions for them may be distorted in my mind because of my relative inexperience at the time. 
ps, the music is phenominal!
...07.14.2013 Update on my beloved Fiddler Babies! :0)
Here are two pics of my what I hope is about as natural setting as it can be...and evidently it is...As you can see, one of the males, "Salty" has been very busy building his mansion in the sand.  He has been covering this artificial log up with pebble at a time, with one little claw as his work source/tool.  He completely filled up the other end with sand so no intruders could enter!  It is amazing.  There is also a hole dug in the sand close to the log and I am not sure if Salty dug it and it tunnels over to the log or what (?)  There is a little girl that goes into the hole, followed by Salty.
I am watching closely to see what happens.  I didn't get any little girls to begin with, because I was afraid if she laid eggs, all of her babies would be devoured.  That would break my heart, even though I realise, it is nature!  I had 2 males to start...and rescued a couple more, but they got really agressive.  I researched further and read many times that they will not breed in captivity, so bought a couple of little girls.  I now have 3 males and 9 girls.  I know, too many for a 10g tank...we're thinking about a 20 now, but they all seem so happy, are molting and there are few fights among the males, and that's if one gets too close to Salty's fortress! (LOL)
I am learning alot, and they are just so much fun to watch...Wish some other Fiddler parents would join in the fun and let me know how yours are doing...would love to trade info!
Smiles, Rebecca


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...a couple more pics, please see captions.
If you are interested in Fiddlers...and need any info, please just let me know.  I've had mine since the first of April, and they seem to be very happy in their home...They are also spoiled! LOL


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