Female Guppy Problem (w/pics)


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2006
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My Female Guppies are having babies after babies. I have 3 females and 3 males. Two of my females, well their bottom is starting to stick out and is really red. They almost look like they need to go to the bathroom and can't. I'm sure they are using the bathroom tho. But I'm guessing from having so many babies, their bottom is starting to swell up. Is this normal? Will their swelling go down? Should I move them? Any help would be great, thanks.

Here is a picture, sorry they are so blurry, my digital camera doesn't like the water i guess lol

Not to sure mate, i have never really got into breeding my guppy's but i am going to next spawn
I know diddly squat about diseases but you really need to add more females in there.3 males and 3 females mean the females are getting constantly harassed by the males and thus will leave them a lot more weakened and susceptible to disease
The correct ratio for livebearers is 2 or 3 females per male.I f you dont get your answer in here try the emergency section--to make a proper diagnosis they usually need the tank size/occupants/water readings
Good luckl :D
Wait thinking abou that i had a female guppy with something that looked much the same a little while back however she died that night
I couldn't help using the pic because I realy can't see anything there but, going by the description, it's either a parasitic infection - is there anything hanging out? What color is her poo? Or a bacterial infection - likely connected to stress and ware from multiple births. I would go for the bacterial infection and would suggest that, besides getting more femals to minimize stress on any single girl, to isolate the sick female and treat her with an anti-bacterial med and see whether that helps. I can't give a more accurate diagnosis as things stand but, as long as you use a cycled tank, isolating her should give her a respite from her tankmates anyway. Because I know livebearer people are tempted to do this (no offense), don't 'isolate' her in a breeding net - by 'isolate' I mean, put her in another tank.
you really need to add more females in there.3 males and 3 females mean the females are getting constantly harassed by the males and thus will leave them a lot more weakened and susceptible to disease
i had started out with 6 females and 3 males, but 3 females have died, those 3 were all bought at the same place too so i thought they were just already sick, guess i need to get hubby to buy me more or either get rid of 1 of my males and buy 2 more females

Wait thinking abou that i had a female guppy with something that looked much the same a little while back however she died that night
well i dont think they are going to die anytime soon, they have been like this for about a week or more and are eating and swimming fine.

I realy can't see anything there ... isolate the sick female and treat her with an anti-bacterial med
sorry the pictures are so bad ... i don't really have another tank to put her in, my husbands tank has tiger barbs in it and they like to nip at their pretty tails. maybe ill talk hubby into going to buy me a small 5 gallon tank for stuff like this.

Thank you everyone for all the great advice. I'll try to update in a week and let you know if I have anymore questions. Thank you for your time! :D
Sadly it could be this, not the writer of this information below.


When the fish is stationary, deep red worms can be seen protruding from the anal pore. They are only visible when the fish is still because the worms retreat into the intestine at the fish’s slightest movement. Other signs may include an inflamed and enlarged anus. In severe infestations, the fish may become emaciated and spinal curvature may also occur.


The parasitic worms Camallanus Cotti and Camallanus lacustris. These small, livebearing parasitic worms attach to the intestinal walls and rectum with pinchers. The worm’s grip is so tight that any attempts to remove it forcibly will rip away tissue from the intestinal wall. The worm’s pinching causes ischemia (reduced blood flow) to that part of the intestine. In time, the tissue to that part of the intestine will die, at which time the worm will migrate to another part of the intestine. This causes perforations throughout the intestine, which allows other pathogens to gain entry. If the fish is not treated, either the parasite or bacterial will kill the fish. Camallanus infestations occur most often in livebearing fish such as Guppies and Mollies, though infection is possible in all fish. Camallanus infestations are contagious. All fish, including those not yet showing visible symptoms, as well as the aquarium, should be treated.


Treat with Internal Parasite Guard, Pipzine, Disco-Worm, Trichlorfon or Fluke-Tabs as well as a medicated food to prevent a bacterial infection.
OMG :( this sounds awful and i think its what they both have. I hope the german fish store has the treatment you listed above. I hope I don't loose them both. :( Thank you for the info, even tho its so not what I wanted to hear. :(

well im back to say one of my females died, i took her out and sure enough, tons of red looking worms were all over her butt :((
*goes to cry*
My Female Guppies are having babies after babies. I have 3 females and 3 males. Two of my females, well their bottom is starting to stick out and is really red. They almost look like they need to go to the bathroom and can't. I'm sure they are using the bathroom tho. But I'm guessing from having so many babies, their bottom is starting to swell up. Is this normal? Will their swelling go down? Should I move them? Any help would be great, thanks.

Here is a picture, sorry they are so blurry, my digital camera doesn't like the water i guess lol

dude your gupps about to have her babys mine also gets alittle constepated b4 if happend .... can you blame them?> they have 30 babys every month!
my husband bought another tank so i moved 2 males and gave one male away. then one of my males died, guess he didn't like the move. :( the others are fine tho. also i'm now treating my other tank as it is a contagious infection, i bought some stuff from a german store, the german lady said it would help, i hope she is right, i can read the bottle as i dont know german. guess ill just have to wait it out and see how it goes. wish me luck!

dude your gupps about to have her babys mine also gets alittle constepated b4 if happend .... can you blame them?> they have 30 babys every month!

thanks but i really feel it is more than that as one of them just died. :( thanks tho
Hi Kirsty
Sorry about what happened to your guppies and hope everything goes well with your sick ones
The first queation I ever posted on these forums was about a swordtail with columnaris
I followed Wilders instructions and he is still swimming about today.So sometimes there is a happy ending
BTW --if you gave one away you should really advise the person whom you gave it to about the disease if it is contagious
yes i told her to watch the male guppy and her others very closely just in case. thank you for your kind words. i hope mine ends up a happy story like yours, i've already lost one tho. i can't find the meds i need at the moment, was sold something else, maybe it will help tho, no telling :(

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