Female Guppy or What?

may be its a platie vross sword tail i have a cross and looks kinda like that but has 2 orange lines going across her like neon swords
hiya, the pic u posted is identical to my guppys. if it was a swordtail she wudnt have a very guppy like gravid spot.

the fry look similar to mine, but i cnt be sure, as they are sooo small.

i wud just wait til they are grown abit, post another pic, and let ppl help u decide if they are swordtail or guppy fry. but im pretty sure they will be guppys.
Here is an update on my mystery fry. I moved them to a new 5 gallon tank. Yeah another reason to buy another tank. :kana:

I put both my guppy and mystry fry together. They are now both 1 week old.

This one shows you the difference in the size (same age, different moms)
Guppy fry left. Mystery fry right


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This one shows how different they are in color.


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