Female Betta


Fish Crazy
Mar 29, 2010
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Today I bought a female Betta and it was exploring the 5G tank for 2 hours and now it's be hiding away now for 8 hours behind the filter, Is this normal? all states are ok tested it as I do with my other 4 foot that I had now for 9 years :) but would be most welcomed if any one can tell me about my Betta. I have tried in the past to keep them but no luck :( so now worrying about the new one. Also about the food I know a lot of Betta will not entertain flakes, but will try them and was told in shop that blood warms are good? as I can't find any Betta food in my town. Thank you :)
is there anything else in the tank with her? bloodworms are good as a treat, they need pellets/betta food as there main diet
How is your girl today John? At least you've checked your water so that's one thing you don't have to worry about. It can take bettas several days to settle into their new home. I know people who've had their new bettas refuse food for a week upon arrival! In my opinion hiding away in plant, behind a filter or similar is quite normal. Give her a few days to settle in and see how you go. What else is in the tank with her?

As for food,- I buy my betta food on-line on e-bay. I feed a mixture of Tetra betta flakes, Hikari Gold betta pellets, and frozen bloodworm/tropical quartet/brine shrimp.

Hope she picks up soon :good:
She as come out for a bit from behind the filter but goes back within a few seconds, but thank thats a good sign? I tried Aquarian flakes and Freeze dried blood worms this morning, did not touch them. So I might try the Betta flakes and pellets from Ebay. I only have the betta in the tank. Thank you for the reply :) Fuzzynicki and lilfishie!
Glad she's popped out John :good: She's probably stressed from the move and will come round in a few days. I've only ever heard that freeze dried foods are not recommended. Personally when I did try them none of my fish would eat them! I always buy frozen or fresh/live as a treat. The tetra flake have added shrimp and krill.
Thank you fuzzynicki :good: I have ordered some Betta Pro pellets on ebay today :) and will be going to Kendal to a very good aquarium shop as the 2 in Barrow my town are not good :( I thought there would be more help on my thread but you have been so helpful :) I see you have put, I've only ever heard that freeze dried foods are not recommended, do you know why? or does anyone else know. John.
My girl hid at first, I'd give her time to get used to things. I recently bought a male and was posting on here in a right panic. He was just hidden away lying on the gravel for days. It turned out to just be stress from all the change. Giver her time. Mine love the Pro Betta pellets.
Hopefully some more people will be on here later to give you more advice John. Is that Kendal in the Lake District? None of my lfs's sell betta food of any type :sad: , but at least they all sell the frozen and live foods. I just had a look back through the forum to see if I could find out about the freeze dried blood worm. What I found were posts saying that: The main issues with freeze-dried bloodworms (and freeze-dried foods generally) is they tend to be linked with bloating and constipation. A few people said that it is ok to feed them once a week, and to soak them first. Hope this helps! :good:

Any change this afternoon? I had two new girls delivered today and have barely seen them as a third girl (already in the tank) keeps chasing them off. Women eh! :lol:

edited to add: mine love the Pro betta pellets too :good: :D
Mine aren't keen at all on the freeze dried blood worms or the daphina. My male won't eat it at all. I bought my pellets online on ebay and have never refused them. My boy wouldn't eat for about 2 days when he was first introduced.
Thank you again for the information :) It as been out today swimming around this afternoon for a little bit :) but back at the top side at the filter again, I just had a look to see if still with use and noticed tinny bubbles in the corner where the filter is and betta, I have seen photo's of so called bubble nests, is this normal building bubble nests with out a mate? and is it a good sign?

By the way the shop told me it was a female I got, but looking at google males and females I have got a male lol not a female, why do people run shops when can't tell you what your buying. But my fault in some ways for not researching before buying.
It's the males that make the bubble nests,- but yes they do it without having a mate. Are you sure that it is a girl that you have? Sometimes it can be hard to tell if they are Plakats! I've had two that were bought from my lfs in a group of 6 girls, but turned out to be males!

My Boe more than often rests at the side of the filter. It's good to hear that yours has been swimming around today. have you got any photos you could let us see?

edited: looks like we posted at the same time John as you've just answered that question for me! :lol: I hope you haven't given him a girlie name :lol:
Males biuld bubble nests when they're happy. Have you got any plants in there he can rest on? My male is in an empty tank at the moment because I'm treating him for finrot and likes to go up by the side of the filter to rest.
I will see if I can take a photo tomorrow :) as my camera as just packed in and phone one is not that good, but will as my nephew tomorrow to use his phone :) it looks like the one in my photo, same colouring and fins.
Males biuld bubble nests when they're happy. Have you got any plants in there he can rest on? My male is in an empty tank at the moment because I'm treating him for finrot and likes to go up by the side of the filter to rest.

Anubias is good for bettas. You can often get it on ebay if your lfs don't sell it. I have got a floating betta log ornament in one of my male tanks and my boy loves resting in that! :D
Males biuld bubble nests when they're happy. Have you got any plants in there he can rest on? My male is in an empty tank at the moment because I'm treating him for finrot and likes to go up by the side of the filter to rest.

No real plants yet was going to post a new thread what plants would be best, in my other big tank I just have java moss and ferns, so what will you have in a betta tank :)

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