Well, having started fishkeeping a year ago now (childhood fish don't really count!) courtesy of a wonderfully thoughtful birthday present from the girlfriend in the form of a 28L tank, i have now got my hands on an upgrade! After a year of probably reading more about fishkeeping than studying for my Masters degree, i felt i was equipped with the bare minimum to start out with a low-tech planted set-up.
Before christmas, I kept my eyes peeled on Gumtree and ebay for several weeks, and finally found what i think is an absolute bargain! A cheeky 15USg, 2'x1'x1' tank (perfect dimensions for our kitchen worktop) for a cool £30!
Included was a 100W Juwel heater, a Sera filter (unknown model as yet), gravel vacuum, 8W T5 light and unit, numerous large rocks (IDs yet to be discovered, one is slate or shale, one potentially sandstone, please help!) and a substrate of Eco-Complete, so can't grumble. The brand of tank is a John Allan, which i'm not familiar with and not sure about quality. I think they mainly provide generic show-tanks for LFSs.
Anyway, here it all is:
The stones (please ID if you know):
Heater (not sure if 100W might be too much for a 15g?) and substrate:
Filter (Sera, unkown model):
Light tube:
and unit:
I also ordered myself an Eheim Classic 2213+ (with taps and media) for £52 which i thought wasn't too bad a price, giving a 7.6x turnover:
So this is where i am currently at. The tank is sitting on our living room floor, empty, waiting for me to do a trip to my LFS for the final bits and bobs.
One of the most important features about this setup is that the tank will be viewed from 3 sides, so i'm constantly changing my mind about the layout. This is one of the main reasons i've started this journal, in order to receive feedback from those with infinitely more knowledge than me! I've gone, with advice from this forum, for a vaguely triangular layout. Below is a crude layout of how i think i might have it, with plant species very much interchangeable with advice from you, depending on suitability. In my 28L i already have a huge crypt wendtii, hygrophila polysperma, and some little crypt willisii(s). Eyes represent viewing sides:
Advice on where to place things is very much appreciated, such as the rocks/bogwood and also the heater/spraybar. (NB. I'm aware the scale of the rocks doesn't match those that came with the tank, i already have/can get hold of some smaller ones).
The other major thing i'm struggling with is the substrate. I originally wanted play-sand, capping a plant-friendly lower layer. Having seen the eco-complete in person i quite like it though. My current 28L has an undergravel filter, so will have 12 months buildup of lots of lovely mulm i intend to put in. Since the entire bacterial colony will be in the gravel i thought i'd mix the lot of that in too.
I'm just trying to decide how to go about it - mix the mulm, gravel and eco-complete and be done with it? Or cover that all with some mesh and cap the lot with sand? Help!
For now i think that's enough to be going on with, i would love to hear you feedback.
Before christmas, I kept my eyes peeled on Gumtree and ebay for several weeks, and finally found what i think is an absolute bargain! A cheeky 15USg, 2'x1'x1' tank (perfect dimensions for our kitchen worktop) for a cool £30!
Included was a 100W Juwel heater, a Sera filter (unknown model as yet), gravel vacuum, 8W T5 light and unit, numerous large rocks (IDs yet to be discovered, one is slate or shale, one potentially sandstone, please help!) and a substrate of Eco-Complete, so can't grumble. The brand of tank is a John Allan, which i'm not familiar with and not sure about quality. I think they mainly provide generic show-tanks for LFSs.
Anyway, here it all is:
The stones (please ID if you know):
Heater (not sure if 100W might be too much for a 15g?) and substrate:
Filter (Sera, unkown model):
Light tube:
and unit:
I also ordered myself an Eheim Classic 2213+ (with taps and media) for £52 which i thought wasn't too bad a price, giving a 7.6x turnover:
So this is where i am currently at. The tank is sitting on our living room floor, empty, waiting for me to do a trip to my LFS for the final bits and bobs.
One of the most important features about this setup is that the tank will be viewed from 3 sides, so i'm constantly changing my mind about the layout. This is one of the main reasons i've started this journal, in order to receive feedback from those with infinitely more knowledge than me! I've gone, with advice from this forum, for a vaguely triangular layout. Below is a crude layout of how i think i might have it, with plant species very much interchangeable with advice from you, depending on suitability. In my 28L i already have a huge crypt wendtii, hygrophila polysperma, and some little crypt willisii(s). Eyes represent viewing sides:
Advice on where to place things is very much appreciated, such as the rocks/bogwood and also the heater/spraybar. (NB. I'm aware the scale of the rocks doesn't match those that came with the tank, i already have/can get hold of some smaller ones).
The other major thing i'm struggling with is the substrate. I originally wanted play-sand, capping a plant-friendly lower layer. Having seen the eco-complete in person i quite like it though. My current 28L has an undergravel filter, so will have 12 months buildup of lots of lovely mulm i intend to put in. Since the entire bacterial colony will be in the gravel i thought i'd mix the lot of that in too.
I'm just trying to decide how to go about it - mix the mulm, gravel and eco-complete and be done with it? Or cover that all with some mesh and cap the lot with sand? Help!
For now i think that's enough to be going on with, i would love to hear you feedback.