Thanx a ton for letting me know about cooked meats... I will stop feeding him sandwich meats then. And His hotdogs are with ketchup only! Sometimes a bit a mustard lol. Just kidding. The dogs are cooked only. Not condemints
And Chubs that he eats I get from the river behind my house. I live in the mountains of vermont. I think that the water sorce should be very clean. And he does seem to enjoy them. But If there not good I`ll stop that right away also. Thanx. I have always fed him this way since he was about 1 inch long. He is now about 7 inches and growing like mad! I love this fish!
As far as other fishies....He has grown a bit faster then the rest and he ate all of em. There was a Bugged Eyed Goldfish in there when he was a baby and 3 tetras. Now all I have left is him and my plecco. He grow large fast...He was lucky hehe. Thanx again and if anyone recomends a certain varied diet please let me know. I only want him to eat a pile of different foods. I dont want him to just eat pellets please. Thanx a ton for all your help.