Feeding Plec

i agree with you 100% i believe that the plec will eat extra food that is fed to the other fish and that is why i dont believe that you should feed it extra food, i am not trying to make it seem like i dont want to provide the best for my fish i am just saying that you do not have to feed it directly.

You just contradicted yourself, you want the best for your pleco but yet you don't feed it properly?

and what do you mean by properly? as i have said to be properly feed they need algae and the extra food that they get from the other fish. many people have diferent views on the subject, my view is that of let it be, yet many people overfeed them which causes them to grow to such a big size, you can have one plec in a 1 gal. and it will be fine, yet your put it in a pond and feed it it will grow to and extreme size. all i am saying is that form my point of view you dont need to directly feed the plec in a mature tank that has algae. and im sorry if i offend anyone, i am just defend my point of view.
i agree with you 100% i believe that the plec will eat extra food that is fed to the other fish and that is why i dont believe that you should feed it extra food, i am not trying to make it seem like i dont want to provide the best for my fish i am just saying that you do not have to feed it directly.

You just contradicted yourself, you want the best for your pleco but yet you don't feed it properly?

and what do you mean by properly? as i have said to be properly feed they need algae and the extra food that they get from the other fish. many people have diferent views on the subject, my view is that of let it be, yet many people overfeed them which causes them to grow to such a big size, you can have one plec in a 1 gal. and it will be fine, yet your put it in a pond and feed it it will grow to and extreme size. all i am saying is that form my point of view you dont need to directly feed the plec in a mature tank that has algae. and im sorry if i offend anyone, i am just defend my point of view.

A plec would no way go in a 1 gallon, what would you do? not feed it and hope it doesn't grow, get a clue mate and stop talking bubbles
i agree with you 100% i believe that the plec will eat extra food that is fed to the other fish and that is why i dont believe that you should feed it extra food, i am not trying to make it seem like i dont want to provide the best for my fish i am just saying that you do not have to feed it directly.

You just contradicted yourself, you want the best for your pleco but yet you don't feed it properly?

and what do you mean by properly? as i have said to be properly feed they need algae and the extra food that they get from the other fish. many people have diferent views on the subject, my view is that of let it be, yet many people overfeed them which causes them to grow to such a big size, you can have one plec in a 1 gal. and it will be fine, yet your put it in a pond and feed it it will grow to and extreme size. all i am saying is that form my point of view you dont need to directly feed the plec in a mature tank that has algae. and im sorry if i offend anyone, i am just defend my point of view.

A plec would no way go in a 1 gallon, what would you do? not feed it and hope it doesn't grow, get a clue mate and stop talking bubbles

i was in no way suggesting to put one in a 1 gal. i was just using it as an example.
and as i have not been specific as to how long my plecs live, i would like to point out that mine has been alive for 11 years and is still health and thriving in his environment, he has not grown an inch since i bought him, i bought him at 4 inches. i also know many people who have had common plec and do not intentionally feed them, it does not stunt there growth, anything can grow if you feed it more than it needs.

Hmmm.... Lets think about this one shall we? Common pleco = 12-24 inches... So, a 4 inch pleco might just be a little stunted? I have an idea! Maybe not feeding them do stunt their growth :S And, not to mention tank size. Do you think lack of nutrition is a good thing?

Someone should put you in a ten gallon tank, and not feed you, you nasty brat!
Do plec eat the fish flakes that i feed my other fish on?..

Plecs will eat them, however, you shouldn't be feeding your other fish enough that a large amount sinks to the bottom, that will lead to a rise in nitrites from decomposing food. You should provide your plecos with a bottom feeder tablet or algae wafer every other day to every three days. Also add in some cucumber or blanched courgette once a week or so.

I am a firm believer in providing food for each fish rather than hoping they'll live off of what the "regular" fish miss.
Common plecs have the potential to reach 12â€￾ to 24â€￾. Humans, like all other animals, have the potential to reach a certain general size, generally anywhere from 5’ to 6’+. Without the proper care & nutrition no living thing will reach its full potential as far as size is concerned.

The general adult size of fish is taken from what they reach in the wild; this is their potential maximum size. Mother nature is not the kindest woman to wild animals; many starve, die from diseases or injury, or are food for another animal. Common plecs in the wild, in these conditions that are considerably harsher than an aquarium, will reach their maximum potential size. I am sure they are not overfed in the wild.

From personal experience with common plecs; I have a few commons that I inherited from my Dad, who got them from a neighbor who got evicted. These plecs were not cared for by the original owner, two have stayed at about 12â€￾, and one at 8â€￾, for several years. They were not properly cared for from the beginning, thus stunted. They are in my care for the duration; they will not reach their potential maximum size.

I have another common plec, that is about 7 years old, that is closing in on 16â€￾, last measurement. This is another fish that was given to me, that was properly cared for from the beginning. It has reached what would be considered its potential size, and is still growing, since it was cared for properly from the beginning.

If you want a smaller dog it is considered inhumane to take a pup that has the potential to grow larger, house it in too small of quarters, and restrict feeding, in order to get a smaller dog. Most people would look for a pup that has a smaller maximum size. It is no less inhumane to do this same thing to a fish.

I like smaller dogs, so I get dogs that will have a smaller size as an adult. I suggest you do the same with plecs; there are plenty of interesting L number plecs that grow to a smaller size.
and as i have not been specific as to how long my plecs live, i would like to point out that mine has been alive for 11 years and is still health and thriving in his environment, he has not grown an inch since i bought him, i bought him at 4 inches. i also know many people who have had common plec and do not intentionally feed them, it does not stunt there growth, anything can grow if you feed it more than it needs.

Hmmm.... Lets think about this one shall we? Common pleco = 12-24 inches... So, a 4 inch pleco might just be a little stunted? I have an idea! Maybe not feeding them do stunt their growth :S And, not to mention tank size. Do you think lack of nutrition is a good thing?

Someone should put you in a ten gallon tank, and not feed you, you nasty brat!

i would love to see where you got the fact that he is in a ten gal, i have said nothing about how big of a tank he is in, he is currently in a 20 gal. if he outgrows it he will be rehomed, so you dont need to be insulting me over not providing enough space for him when you dont know what size tank he is even in.
i feed my pleco cucumber, if you put it in water and boil it, it will sink to the bottom, or you can let it float. Mine hooks onto the cucumber and floats in the current of my filter :lol:
I also feed it shrimp pellets and he cleans up the messes of the other fish. I try to give algae wafers but my barbs and gouramis devour it before the pleco gets to it.
and as i have not been specific as to how long my plecs live, i would like to point out that mine has been alive for 11 years and is still health and thriving in his environment, he has not grown an inch since i bought him, i bought him at 4 inches. i also know many people who have had common plec and do not intentionally feed them, it does not stunt there growth, anything can grow if you feed it more than it needs.

Hmmm.... Lets think about this one shall we? Common pleco = 12-24 inches... So, a 4 inch pleco might just be a little stunted? I have an idea! Maybe not feeding them do stunt their growth :S And, not to mention tank size. Do you think lack of nutrition is a good thing?

Someone should put you in a ten gallon tank, and not feed you, you nasty brat!

i would love to see where you got the fact that he is in a ten gal, i have said nothing about how big of a tank he is in, he is currently in a 20 gal. if he outgrows it he will be rehomed, so you dont need to be insulting me over not providing enough space for him when you dont know what size tank he is even in.


well, I see you deleted everything in your profile...

10 gallon:

1 red tail black shark
1 plecostomus
live plants
and something else, sorry I can't remember...

Something like that right? Man... you just love to see the "facts" :rofl:
and as i have not been specific as to how long my plecs live, i would like to point out that mine has been alive for 11 years and is still health and thriving in his environment, he has not grown an inch since i bought him, i bought him at 4 inches. i also know many people who have had common plec and do not intentionally feed them, it does not stunt there growth, anything can grow if you feed it more than it needs.

Hmmm.... Lets think about this one shall we? Common pleco = 12-24 inches... So, a 4 inch pleco might just be a little stunted? I have an idea! Maybe not feeding them do stunt their growth :S And, not to mention tank size. Do you think lack of nutrition is a good thing?

Someone should put you in a ten gallon tank, and not feed you, you nasty brat!

i would love to see where you got the fact that he is in a ten gal, i have said nothing about how big of a tank he is in, he is currently in a 20 gal. if he outgrows it he will be rehomed, so you dont need to be insulting me over not providing enough space for him when you dont know what size tank he is even in.


well, I see you deleted everything in your profile...

10 gallon:

1 red tail black shark
1 plecostomus
live plants
and something else, sorry I can't remember...

Something like that right? Man... you just love to see the "facts" :rofl:

maby i deleted it because i gave it to my parents and i got a 20 gal. and never bothered to updated it, and by the way thank you for reminding me. i got the 20 gal as a present and never bothered to put it in here because i hardly ever use this, but thats just how it goes. and i will update my profile just for you.

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