Feeding Lr


Fish Herder
Nov 15, 2010
Reaction score
Leigh, Lancs
ok i got some frozen prawns, how many and how often... to keep the bacteria ticking over ....... cheers, Kevin
thanks for the reply fishy, so is that 1 on one day and another later in the week or is it two at once?
I would just bung in a prawn, then when its gone add another :good: I like to add flakes of fish food as well
sorry to jump on your thread :D but rather than start another, do I need to be adding anything like prawns or flake with just 6 cuc in the tank??
wasnt aware you should 'feed' LR tbh! :/
sorry to jump on your thread :D but rather than start another, do I need to be adding anything like prawns or flake with just 6 cuc in the tank??
wasnt aware you should 'feed' LR tbh! :/
jump away weez...... i dont get uppity :D
oh i didnt know cuc needed it either, so would prawns be okay when i get them?
Ooooo so what do I need to be putting in for them, the flake I have is trops, I have some frozen mysis and brine and a marine mix (bought accidentaly for fresh a while ago) Would that work? Or I have some brine shrimpies growing so could add them? I dont have prawns haha

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