Feeding Community Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2009
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Hi All,

I currently have - 6 male guppies, a pair of dwarf gouramies & 2 bristlenose.

I have some tetra min flakes as well as some king british flakes (given to me, but thought might be usful for variety).

Does anyone recommend anything else foodwise? Are the bristlenose happy on just algae?

Does anyone have any recommendations for additional fish? Quite keen on some cardinals & perhaps a siamese fighter.

i wouldnt add a male fighter to a comunity tank as it wont settle they prefer to be alone or as alone as possible...! i think the bn plec will eat vegetables, catfish pellets, algae wafers etc that kind of thing.
Agree with mattlee, dont add a fighter to that tank, they do not normally mix well with other fish, guppies especially due to male guppies large bright tails.

For the bristlenose you can feed either veg or algae wafers.

My bristlenose gets hikari algae wafers, they are quite expensive but last ages.

Try mixing your food up a little, most fish will happily eat peas (de-shelled, only feed the middle part) cucumber, courgette and even melon. Feeding veg will help keep your fishes digestion system regular.

you could add some frozen foods, freeze dried, maybe some live once in a while for their diet (i catch mosquito larvae in the summer). you can culture white worms and micro worms as live (but i rely on the mossquitos lol, have no experience with them) and they should keep a steady flow of live food as long as you care for them properly (but they are fattening). also blanched veg (cabbage, cucumber, etc.) is appreciated by bns as said above. also how big is the tank? that will determine how many fish you can have and if you can add any more (like the cardinals).
its a 100 litre tank.

Will look for the algae sticks for the bristlenose, hope they'll be ok for now (only little!). May try a little cucumber with them then.

I'd read that in a fair size tank one siamese fighter would be ok but that they should never be put in pairs... have seen them in lfs in the same tank as guppies
My current Plec LOVES his algea wafers.. (Dont ALWAYS expect them to eat algea as they also deserve a treat once in in a while)


for the rest of your fish...
Blood worms as a treat...

And any kind of tropical food...


hope i've helped
Not only that but dwarf gouramis are notoriously agressive, specifically with other surface dwelling air breathing fish like fighters.

Also as said male bettas will often attack male guppies relentlessly as they can mistake them for rival male bettas.
Also you NEED to supplement a bristlenoses diet. They should be fed like every other fish.

Courgette, spinach, algae wafers (particularly ones high in spirulina).
Cucumber is actually one of the least nutritious veggies you can give them.

Oh and just a note, note all plecos are herbivores.
thanks for all your advice. got some algae wafers now, they're high in spirulina too.

gonna get some treats for the other fish soon too, but i noticed in a book some of the my fish "require a vegetable component". What kind of thing would you suggest?
Mollies and guppies love food containing spirulina. The daily diet for mine includes a spirulina based flake.
Hi All,

I currently have - 6 male guppies, a pair of dwarf gouramies & 2 bristlenose.

I have some tetra min flakes as well as some king british flakes (given to me, but thought might be usful for variety).

Does anyone recommend anything else foodwise? Are the bristlenose happy on just algae?

Does anyone have any recommendations for additional fish? Quite keen on some cardinals & perhaps a siamese fighter.

Hi supermonkey,

If you decide you're still interested in a shoal of neon or cardinal tetras, I recommend you wait until the tank has been in operation about 6 months, definately 4 months minimum. The color can be worth the wait.

Hi supermonkey,

If you decide you're still interested in a shoal of neon or cardinal tetras, I recommend you wait until the tank has been in operation about 6 months, definately 4 months minimum. The color can be worth the wait.


Hi waterdrop, can I ask why this is?

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