Feed Me: Live Foods, Grow Or Buy?

What type food do you feed your fish?

  • Flakes/pellets only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Live foods only (please describe)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Frozen foods only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A combination or something else. (please describe)

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  • Total voters
Mine get flakes and pellets every day, but everyso often - as Tropical_fish said, I substute the flakes for frozen food - blood worm or daphnia - its a massive treat for them and they go mad for it!!
do the tetras eat chicken.
yes but it is chopped into tiny pieces circa 1mm
i never knew they would eat that. will most fish eat it?
i guess its trial and error...my rams and apistos used to love it and once when feeding the rams the tetras were making light work of the chicken too!
i might try it with my apistos then. what do you do to it just boil it and chop it into small pieces?
do the tetras eat chicken.
yes but it is chopped into tiny pieces circa 1mm
i never knew they would eat that. will most fish eat it?
i guess its trial and error...my rams and apistos used to love it and once when feeding the rams the tetras were making light work of the chicken too!
i might try it with my apistos then. what do you do to it just boil it and chop it into small pieces?
i normally take a tender piece of breast from the sunday roast
I give a combination of frozan bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp, freeze dried bloodworms, and carnivor pellets.
What kind of setup does it take to grow the microworms (or any live food)? What are the start-up costs and requirements? How much maintenance is required?

Here's a link to a thread BigC wrote about growing your own live food.


Microworms are tiny and are only useful for feeding fry. If you live in the US you can buy them on AquaBid. It only takes a small amount to get started.


Another food you might consider is earthworms. If you can find ones that are from soil that is free of pesticides and herbicides they are said to be excellent fish food. You could just wash them off and chop them up for your fish. If you are squeamish about doing this, freeze them first.


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