Feature Fish For A 90L ?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
england (southend)
what mid water - surface fish are good for a 90L
my mum's looking for a pair of decent sized fish to be the main attraction :)
must be peaceful :)

cheers guys,
2 male bettas would be beuatiful :D no i joke! i would say some honey gourami are quite nice
Dwarf gourami? Really nice colours and interactive fish
I went with German Blue Rams, although some say they are hard to take care of. I bought mine quite cheaply from a breeder and they have been going great.

Also I have 1 x red tailed black shark (RBTS). they are more suitably sized for 90L than a bala shark/silver shark which need a HUGE tank when fully grown.
A pair of apistogramma cacatuoides (my super red male in sig below) not the biggest of fish but as you can see, stunning colours. Females are yellow.

Yes, and a 90L tank isn't sufficient for a Red Tailed Black Shark long-term.
i would probably go with the dwarf gourami they look very nice and are great fish

90l is way too msall for angel fish; they can grow 6 or 8 inches long and a foot from top to bottom; your mum's tank isn't an 18" tall 90l by any chance is it?
I've got a 165 litre tank and decided against angels cos I felt it was too small for them

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