Favourite Pc Games

Recently got CS:Source and I'm loving it. Though not the 'normal' maps as my monitor is bad, it appears dark all of the time, no matter if its dust or office. So I always play gungames, most of the time its simpsons map, my favourite map is simpsons_house_v2.

Apart from that I like TA too, and I also used to play a MMORPG called Tibia, my friends got me started but I grew bored of it, though I still talk to friends I made on it. You meet people from all over, I have freinds in brazil, sweden and poland. The stereotype of MMORPG isn't true I found.
Farcry - lost 2 years of my life to that game :lol:
COD 2 multiplayer...curses for how much time I've lost to that too. SH
Hmmmm, gaming for years me, sad old git that I am.

Wofenstien, then DOOM, then DOOM II (oh yeah), Duke Nuke 'em (at work). then Quake (creepy), Quake 2, Quake III Arena, Return to castle Wolfenstein, HL, Doom III (major creeps), HL II, Counter Strike and CS II (at work) - check out Blighty Renegrades - Chaps @ work run that site.

Last year or so I've prettly much played, well, nothing really.


Add me to the sad old git club. Doom(s) and Duke are my games too. You should see my five year old play Doom, he rocks.

I wrote to John Carmack once when Dylan wanted to know something about Doom that I didn't know ("You could just ask the man that made it mummy..." - yeah I spose I could...) and he wrote back!! I kept copies of the email at home and I forwarded one to myself at work so I could re-read it :lol: that's kind of sad isn't it? But, a real live email from the DOOM God....I am still proud of it.
Counter Strike: Source and COD4 Modern Warfare.


Total annihilation. I also play ranked Total annihilation2 (supreme commander) :rolleyes:
Red Orchestra
The best games I have ever played, and still play is Westwood (Command & Conquer Series).
I am in a Call of Duty clan !! :)

Started with Call of Duty , moved onto Call of Duty 2 and NOW we are playing Call of Duty 4 .

An amazing online experience playing HUMANS rather than computers :)
ooh what about Populous.


I was soooo addicted to that game.

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