Favorite betta "Dumbass" is dead.


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2004
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A friend came over with her 3 y/o child and he put some plant medicine in the betta bowl. Dumbass was dead soon thereafter. R.I.P. I always thought he'd jump to his death. Same kid decided to feed the fish in my 20 gallon topical tank. Dumped half the can of food into the tank. Lost a Gourami and two tiger barbs. Second Gourami will be dead soon. Ah....kids. lol
o_O Wow. And why were his parents not watching him? ::shakes head::

Sorry to hear about your loss.
That sucks.... And what does the mom say when her child does things like this? This is why I always give speeches to anyone that is in my room...... no spraying anything, no feeding, no hands in the tank. So far so good for me, sorry you haven't been so lucky.... Sorry for your loss.
I too, am very sorry for your loss..When little kids come to my home I let them see the fish but I make sure to keep an eye on them and let them know not to disturb the fish...pets are like part of the family and vistors to ur home must respect them..Take Care and sorry about your loss again..by the way, how did u come up with the name dumbass for ur fish?
I was thinking the same thing bxbettas....... I felt a little weird putting RIP dumbass :/
I gave him the name dumbass because he'd try to eat food from my fingers but he'd miss and end up jumping out of the bowl. He was actually pretty smart for trying to eat out of my fingers in the first place. His aim was just off. ;)

The child's mother actually was watching him, he was just REALLY quick. We turned our backs for a second and BAM. lol
Favorite betta "Dumbass" is dead.

^^^Sounds like a more fitting name for the kid...

Ya know, it's a popular thing on the betta breeding threads to say "you should only breed to better the species."

Maybe some humans should consider that.
Ah, I cut the kid some slack since he's just 3. I never should have left Dumbass's bowl where he could reach it, same with the fish food. His mother gave him a good talking to though. It's a tough lesson learned, as he was my favorite betta. :/
jaimoe said:
Ah, I cut the kid some slack since he's just 3. I never should have left Dumbass's bowl where he could reach it, same with the fish food. His mother gave him a good talking to though. It's a tough lesson learned, as he was my favorite betta. :/

I am not angry at you, I feel bad for you, but if you read on, you'll know why I put the angry face in this post.

Ya know, if the mom was really willing to accept responsibility, after all it is her kid, she should have compensated you the fish. Before I planted my 15g, it was destroyed by toddlers who poured a whole container of food into the tank. It happened when I was getting the mother a glass of water. She was supposedly sitting on the couch watching her kids. Right. She didn't even care, laughed and said "boys will be boys, I was watching them" while I spent 2 hours syphoning my tank and trying so save my dying neons. I lost them all. I was pissed and my relationship with her has been different every since. I don't let her kids in my apartment anymore, especially now with the effort I've put into my planted tanks. Sorry, I sound a little angry and unsypathetic to my friend and her children, but some people just don't place the value on fish that we do, and you should always watch your kids. I even told them in the beginning you can look, but don't touch, several times.

The mother of the kid who killed your betta, and I don't think my words are too hard, the kid did do something resulting in the death of your favorite fish, should compensate you, or at least get you another betta and apologize. These stories are just like salt on a wound for me. I hope your friend is nicer than mine was. I really feel bad for your loss, believe me, I know how you feel.
I totally agree with u lljdma06..it seems a lot of people's mentality is .."oh well they r just fish..or how dare u stop by kid from tapping and scaring the fish.." well my sentiments are the same..the fish are my pets..so look but dont touch.. :) Once again..so sorry for your loss...Take Care!
She was good about it. She took it seriously and didn't just try to laugh it off and she was apologetic. To be honest I'm more mad at myself for not thinking ahead and moving the betta bowl and food and the plant medicine. I ought to know better.
jaimoe I wouldn't feel the need to take responsibility when it is YOUR house. When you let people in your house you shouldn't have to move/hide things.... they are the guest and should act as such by watching their kids. Everyone knows that you can't let a kid out of your sight for a minute. I mean it would have taken at least a couple minute to get the meds out, open the bottle, and pour it in the bowl. That was more than the blink of an eye for a parent. I know we seem to be being particularly hard on the parent, but it's so frustrating to see a pet die when it could have been prevented. I flip out on people when they tap on the tank or say "it's just a fish, I dont' see how you are so attached to them" that makes me so mad.... I don't go tap on your dog/cat, so why would you torment my animals. If she took it seriously and apologized then good on her, but after the kid had already overfed the last time she was there, he should have been looked after better this time around. Sorry so lengthy.... just my rant for the day.... :crazy:
:( Sorry for u lost

This is way whenever lil kids come to my house I hide all my fish food and put No touchin signs >__>

One time This lil kid came and dumped a whole bottle of fish food into my 30 gal and i lost all my cories........3 bettas and my guppies and mollies

I got SO PISSED I yelled at the kid...and the kid cryed and his mom yelled at me.....then i pointed at the fish tank....and she was like WOW THEY ARE JUST FISH.....I got even pissser.....and i was like EEEEEEEEEEEEEE GET OUT and my mom was like........Dude.......>__>....Then i explan to her wat happena nd my mom agree and asked them to leave

I spend 1 hours siphoning out as much food :sad:
Uhg, kids. I just don't like them. It's not they they are uncaring or insensitive (though it IS often the case), but they are just... well... not smart. They have the mental capacity of kids. In fact, I think sometimes the 'stupid' things kids do are based in good. At 2 years old, they don't know what it is to be cruel yet. If they do something, it is because they think it should be done... Like yesterday when I was babysitting, my five year old cousin kept trying to feed their betta I gave them from Nashnut, "Mr. Peanut". I told her "I know you just want to feed him, but if you feed him too much, he will get sick. He has already eaten today." At that, she completly left the fish alone... However, when my aunt tells her "Hayley, don't feed the fish" she keeps on trying. With little kids, I think they normally DO have either good intensions or no intensions... And when they do something that results in harm, it is because they just did not know.

When you get eight and nine year olds killing your fish, then you need to worry that there is something wrong with them :X I think you have complete right to be annoyed at the mother, even if you are not. I think next time that kid comes over, you ought to before hand (since obviously this is a reoccuring sitation) explain to him nicely that the fish are very happy, and putting anything in their tank might make them upset or sad or sick... With a lot of children, I think getting that point across actually does a good job of keeping them out of trouble, rather than just yelling at them.

Erf... Sorry, that was my 17-year-old-girl parent talk >_>

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