I used to have this guppy Tigris, and she was the oldest and most bossiest fish in the tank. But then she died, and I couldn't figure out how. It made me sad.

Currently, the fish I like most that is living is my betta, Storm. He has a lot of personality.

Finally, if this didn't have to be a fish, then my favorite tank inhabitant ever would have to be my crab, Kline. He is this mini crab that I'm in love with. He has had the most personality of any tank inhabitant that I have ever seen. Once, when he was in the back of my 12 gallon, I dropped an algae wafer in the front, and the mollies and platy immediatly went for it. Then, to my surprise, Kline, who was sneaking around the caves ran in, snatched it up, and climbed to the very top of a tall plant. And then he had to bat other fish away to keep them from getting the algae wafer. They all eventually gave up. :rolleyes:
previously it was my Queen Arabesque Pleco, Duke. But he's dead now :-(

it's Steve the Betta at the moment now, but going to the lfs tomorrow so who knows what I'll come home with :rolleyes:

My favorite is Mo, the purple spotted gudgeon (type of FW goby) who acts more like a dog than a fish. He begs, follows, and catches his food. Good boy :lol:
8) my favorite is my dad's blonde naso tang :cool: it's probably about 6 inches :hyper:
My favorite fish would be my Chinese Algae Eater, Su Zhi Hao.

I used to hate him, when I found out about Chinese Algae Eaters (aka when I found this forum). That guy is so tough. I got him before I knew what cycling was. I got him when he was a baby and he was harrassed by my one and only betta at the time.

Now I know better. I rewarded him with his own little planted 5 gal where he can live peacefully from now on.
Oh wow, Mogurndas! Another of my favourite fish. I had one called Gubbins, he was the best, used to eat out your hand and was such a character. Fantastic, fantastic fish. He died from an abcess on one of his gills. He was due to have surgery on it but he died the night before. Really rotten luck, still miss him. Did get more after him but it just wasn't the same.
Hard to make a choice it would have to be Frankie my Blue Eyed Pleco. To date he has killed 3 oscars, a Green Terror, a Jack Dempsey and one of my Orange Pikes. My wife says Frankie must have been traumitzed as a fry by Chiclids flareing or picking on him because he leaves everthing else alone.
patchwork_python said:
Oh wow, Mogurndas! Another of my favourite fish. I had one called Gubbins, he was the best, used to eat out your hand and was such a character. Fantastic, fantastic fish. He died from an abcess on one of his gills. He was due to have surgery on it but he died the night before. Really rotten luck, still miss him. Did get more after him but it just wasn't the same.
WHOA! Someone else with PSG's?

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