fav fish

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Thought you was a mod then, lol, corys.
oh the thing sorry i changed it cos i just read a mesage off a mod saying i couldny have it, oh well
My two favorite fish are the male betta and the long finned and regular black tetra because of their extreme hardyness.
After reading up on many fish for a few months before I actually got my tank & adding fish my 'fav' has changed. I used to be atracted to the actual look of the fish & its behaviour, but now it is more to do with its movement. My first fish where 5 pearl danio's. These are as hard as nails & easy to look after but move far to rapid & are not at all relaxing to watch. Saying all that I would still find it hard to part with them.

Anyway current fav fish is - Boesmani Rainbow.

Ask me again nexy month it may well of changed
hmmmmm tuffy.......marine would be a clown fish especialy percula and the purple firefish. freshwater would be....ummmm.......cant decide like almost all freshwater fish....my fav fish that i own though is my DP which my mom calls puff the magic dragon for some reason. coldwater would be koi......event though i dont have one.....lol
have have a few favorite fish... my top is the bala shark and next in line is the fancy guppy...

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