H. Houdini
New Member
I'm not sure if it's etiquette, but as the subject is the same, I thought I'd revive this thread...
I've nine harlequin rasboras in my 110 litre tank. They are all about 3 years old and I've only lost one fish in all the time I've had them. Now, one of them is absolutely mahoosive, and has been for, well, shame on me, about a year. She doesn't show any strange behaviour, I've never seen any "mating" rituals, and no, she never gets any smaller.
I know I probably should have popped on and asked a long time ago, only she really doesn't seem bothered by it at all, and therefore I've left her to it. I guess I'm thinking about it today and it's just bothering me.
They share the tank with Nine lampeyes (six spawned last year), four albino corys, a bristlenose plec and a gourami.
Here she is;
Any thoughts, or should I just leave her be?
I've nine harlequin rasboras in my 110 litre tank. They are all about 3 years old and I've only lost one fish in all the time I've had them. Now, one of them is absolutely mahoosive, and has been for, well, shame on me, about a year. She doesn't show any strange behaviour, I've never seen any "mating" rituals, and no, she never gets any smaller.
I know I probably should have popped on and asked a long time ago, only she really doesn't seem bothered by it at all, and therefore I've left her to it. I guess I'm thinking about it today and it's just bothering me.
They share the tank with Nine lampeyes (six spawned last year), four albino corys, a bristlenose plec and a gourami.
Here she is;

Any thoughts, or should I just leave her be?