Fat Harlequin Rasbora


Sep 10, 2009
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Hello, well this has really been a bad couple of weeks for my fish. I noticed to day one of my harlequin Rasboras looks really fat. I did not notice the fish looking fat last night noticed it for the first time today. I tried to get a picture but unfortunately I could not get a clear still shot. I did however manage to get some video of the fish swimming... not the clearest of videos but the best I could get. It shows the fat fish at roughly 1:20 in the video attached.

I am really hoping this is eggs, I already have one fish in isolation, I could potentially put this one in another iso tank but it would be more of a plastic tub with a filter as opposed to an actual tank, but it would be doable if needed.


Link to video

Have you tried peas or frozen daphnia to make it poop? Are the scales pineconing?
Seems like it's bad time to be a fish mine aren't well either at the moment.

BTW i love your rasboras, are they ordinary harlequins cos they don't look like my copper harlequins
Lovely narration :D

She does look rather fat. It could very well be eggs, but you also mentioned that you've already fed them deshelled peas today, it could be she's just eaten a bit too much, happens all the time with my guppies.

See how she goes the next couple of days and you could have some babies but don't be too disapointed if you don't.
Well yesterday was there scheduled pea feeding days, then when I noticed the she (not even sure if it is female) seemed fat I feed a few more today rather than the scheduled flake feeding, I tried to target her and I did see her eat some of the peas but not a whole lot. But it very well good be that she ate too many as yesterday she was fine, feed peas last night, and today she is fat. We also had a slight hiccup with the tank heat last night, it has been unusually cold here so last night after I went to sleep my husband cranked up the heat in the house, so this morning the harlequins tank was at 80.5 F which I am wondering if that perhaps triggered spawning. I am not trying to breed them so I really don't mind if I end up with no babies, but I would rather have babies then another sick fish. I currently have a Gourami in isolation and really don't have the ideal setting to put another one in isolation. I will keep watching her, hopefully she just ate too much or has eggs, eithor would be better than sick. Should I maybe not feed them tonight?

Feeding Schedule:

Friday Fast and water change day
Saturday flakes
Sunday flakes
Monday Peas
Tuesday Flakes
Wednesday Flakes
Thursday Peas

I am not sure FinalFantasy, the LFS had them listed as regular Harlequins, but I also noticed that some of them appear more copper in colour, I thought maybe this was the difference between male and female but I guess not, so not really too sure on that one. As for other signs of illness, i.e. pineconing, there is none. Eating and swimming fine, the only thing that is odd is she is fat, other than that completely normal. I have not seen that particular fish poo but the poo on the sand all looks normal.
:lol: We must be typing at the same time. No I haven't seen her poop (I am watching for it though), but all the poop on the sand seems to look normal. So not 100% sure if she is pooping or if I am just not looking at the right time.
I think if they'd pooped the peas out then you'd be seeing green poop. If there's no green poop at the moment wait til tomorrow to see i'd say. Is the fish swimming ok?
Some of the poop at the bottom is green, but again can't be sure that came from her. She is swimming perfectly. The only reason I noticed it was I happened to glance at the water temp to make sure it was coming down from last nights mishap and caught her out of the corner of my eye and went "what the heck did she eat" :lol:

I just found a video on you tube of harlequins spawing, and the female in that video looks exactly the same as mine (fatness wise) so I am starting to think maybe it is eggs. The only thing is I honestly don't know how many males and females I have, what if I don't actually have any males will she stay like that forever or will she eventually drop the eggs even if no male is present?

Link to the you tube video (much better quality then mine). Now in this video it shows the fish turning upside down to deposit the eggs I have not seen mine do this thus far.


I'd try starving them tonight to see if it makes a difference and just keep an eye on them. I have no idea about spawning fish, maybe try asking in the relevant sub forum?
Well today she seems less fat, but still fatter then the others. So not sure if she pooped and I missed it, or if she laid eggs. Well I guess if I see fry swinning around I will know for sure :lol: . I didn't see any eggs in the tank though, so I guess she just must have eaten too many peas the day before.
Well it was definately eggs! She is back to her normal size today (maybe just a little swollen still but not much), but I saw her upside down under a leaf laying eggs. I double checked and this upside down thing is normal when harlequins are laying eggs. Not sure if any of them were fertilized, didn't see any other fish near her when she laid them but I guess I will know if I see any fry swimming in the tank.

Well if I actually get any fry trust me I will keep you updated because I will have lots of questions :blush:
wow awesome video of harlequins spawning,never realised the done it that way :good: i have 10 of these :)

Good luck with yours :good:

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