Fat Fish?


Fish Aficionado
Dec 19, 2006
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I have 3 goldfish very fat in my tank? They are very fat. What does it mea? I sther something wrong?
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
What do you feed the fish.
What type of goldlfish are they.
Can the fish maintain there balance in the water.
I have a 29 gal tank. Everything is zero. Yeah the fish is swimming normally. I have celestal goldfish and black moore fish. THey have been for a month in the tank, and everything is going fine.
Arnt those species ment to be kinda fat? id say its just nateral, if the waters good (ph, nitrate tests ect) and they look happy i dont think theres anything to worry about
Make sure they are pooing properly. If you ahvent noticed any waste recently or its been long then they may be constipated.
How big are they without the tails and how old do you think they are? Could be females?
Starve them for 3 days and then feed them on squashed boilded peas for another 3 and see if that helps.
My fish are like 6 cm without there tails and maybe smaller. Sorry nitrate is 7. I feed them pellets.

Thank you
My fish are like 6 cm without there tails and maybe smaller. Sorry nitrate is 7. I feed them pellets.

Thank you

Any change of some pics so we can get an idea of what exactly they look like?
Are they able to swim normally? Do they go tail up at all or can they maintain their balance? Do you soak the food before you feed it? :)
Yeah my fish swims normally, they move there tails. I feed them pellets i cut them nto small pieces so they can eat them.
Yeah my fish swims normally, they move there tails. I feed them pellets i cut them nto small pieces so they can eat them.

As mentioned before fancy golfish are bred to be quite rotund so unless we can see a pic its hard to knwo if they are abnormally round...
If they can swim normally and stay balanced then that bodes well. Are they eating and 'going to the toilet' normally? Are they swimming around happily?
When you feed fancies dried foods, including pellets, its always a good idea to soak them first so it doesn't swell inside the fish and cause swimbladder problems :)
OK yeah the fish are swimming normally and happily all over the tank. They swim happily all together. U mean i have to put the food first in water then i put them for the fish, is that what u mean. 10x
OK yeah the fish are swimming normally and happily all over the tank. They swim happily all together. U mean i have to put the food first in water then i put them for the fish, is that what u mean. 10x

I think you're fish are probably ok, just sounds like normal fancy goldfish from what I gather :) and about the food, thats what I meant :) Soak it in some tank water in a tub for a few minutes until it all sinks, then tip it in for the fish :good:
What are the advantages of doing this method. What will it effect the fish?
What are the advantages of doing this method. What will it effect the fish?

Fancy goldfish are prone to swimbladder problems because of their compacted shape. By soaking the food it prevents it from swelling up after the fish has eaten it casuing pressure on the swimbladder... ;)

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