Fantasy fishies.

cutechic said:
Clown loaches that only get to 3", so they could be kept in smaller aquariums. :D
Word. I love clown loaches, but they get way too big.
Aquascaper said:
I'd love a selection of plecs that were:
Cow print
Leopard print
Tiger print
These three realy exist!

here's photos:

L134, Cow print...

L124, Leopard print...

L271, Tiger print.. (there's loads of different tiger coloured plecs.)
I think some form of 2 headed fish would be pretty cool.

Dont ask why
SirMinion said:
Aquascaper said:
I'd love a selection of plecs that were:
Cow print
Leopard print
Tiger print
These three realy exist!

here's photos:

L134, Cow print...

L124, Leopard print...

L271, Tiger print.. (there's loads of different tiger coloured plecs.)
SirMinion said:
Aquascaper said:
I'd love a selection of plecs that were:
Cow print
Leopard print
Tiger print
These three realy exist!

here's photos:

L134, Cow print...

L124, Leopard print...

L271, Tiger print.. (there's loads of different tiger coloured plecs.)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl
ok...but seriolsy, i have never seen them but i knw they exsist
Oooh, and freshwater seahorses - not sure what they'd be called though!!! :rofl:

Ones that were incredibly easy to look after and never died!

And how about an upside-down fish, say, an Australian black moor - Oh bugger I've got one! :rofl: :angry:
I'd love a freshwater triggerfish or pantherfish too, ones that only get to about 5-6 inches. There's a couple at my LFS that I really want.
Here's another idea.. Male schooling bettas.

I might consider them as an option if they schooled!
nightlife20 said:
i want a fish that loves gettin in a net :S

when i do a full clean of my tak, i like takin the fish out an takin the water down to about 10% so that it just coveres the sand... but i find it such a huge task cause all my fish avoid the net ' ha u cant catch me' :grr:
Sorry to hijack, but ...

I was having the same problem with my fish, but now they all jump in the net. Rollntider helped me with the problem, of the fish avoiding the net like it's the plague. What I do:

I put frozen food in the net and let it dissolve in the current. Whoever has the most "fish balls" (is that allowed?) has to go into the net to get the bloodworms etc. They all come up to the net, but only certain ones get in and get food. I move the net around a bit and then hold it still so they are used to the net moving around. They go for more food and then continue the process until all the food is eaten. Now though, I have a problem when trying to net only 1 fish. They all want to go into it!

Again, sorry for hijacking the thread ;)
Cool idea tekknocolor. Another cool idea would be to have a higly pressurized tank that could house deep sea fishes like hatchetfish and anglerfish. I'm gonna be the one to invent that. :p Oh crap, I just gave away my billiant idea. :unsure:
David said:
Cool idea tekknocolor. Another cool idea would be to have a higly pressurized tank that could house deep sea fishes like hatchetfish and anglerfish. I'm gonna be the one to invent that. :p Oh crap, I just gave away my billiant idea. :unsure:
I've been thinking about this for a while and even done some research

It seems that you wouldn't need a pressurised tank, a normal SW tank would do just fine, but you would need a serious chiller to keep the water cold enough.

The main problem would be getting the fish, which would need to be caught and placed in a decompession chamber while they are still deep, deep down in the sea, then brought to the surface and decompressed very slowly over many many hours.

Obviously the cost would be ridiculous and I doubt that the equipment to decompress fish even exists.

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