Fantasy fishies.

nightlife20 said:
i want a fish that loves gettin in a net :S
:lol: The worst fish to catch are botias IME ;) They can hide anywhere with | | Much space to squeeze into...Or smaller. A fist that goes into the net would be cool. Or better yet, an automatic fish catching net :drool:
A talking fish -

"Oh its a bit dirty in here - hows about a water change"

"Urgh - Feed me something a bit different for a change"

"What you doing putting me in here - I need a lower PH" :lol:

- Would make the whole Fish keeping thing easier -

Mini Oscars would be cool - I'd have 6 :lol:

A cleaning fish that actually cleaned :lol:
nightlife20 said:
i want a fish that loves gettin in a net :S

when i do a full clean of my tak, i like takin the fish out an takin the water down to about 10% so that it just coveres the sand... but i find it such a huge task cause all my fish avoid the net ' ha u cant catch me' :grr:
ever heard the phrase be careful of what you ask for? all my livebearers that have been in my care since the beginning are a pain in the butt. if i try to catch something in their tank i have to push them out of the way. when i do water change i usually have otos stuck to my arm and everyone else is right there nibbling.
I love dolphins and whales. I have a tattoo of a dolphin (somewhere).
I would be willing to buy a 150 gallon (or more) if they made a dwarf dolphin or mini whale.
Only of course as long as there were no testing or cruelties made to the real ones.
There must be a selection for when people buy them. I mean like if you were to purchase them, you must have a huge tank to accomidate them, right feeding them, and not to give them up when they get too big or when you tire of them.
I also that should relate to any pet. Especially to common plecos, but that is just my opionion.
I research (maybe too much) before I buy anything.
Awesome question Sir Minion!
going along with your zebra cory, what about a platy with the markings of a holstein? (the black and white) or with actual leopard markings?? animal print fish......... for the trendy tank :lol:

fish that looked to be covered in glitter, so they'd sparkle and shine all over

fish that had fragrance, other than the fishy smell....vanilla fish, rain scent fish.....

i DO like kev's idea of fish that could talk.... i'd love my fish to tattle on who killed off two of my hatchetfish....... i'd also like to know how my lone julii cory really feels about her emerald and panda tank mates........ :lol:
I'd love a selection of plecs that were:

Cow print
Leopard print
Tiger print

I go along with the idea of anything just smaller so more people could enjoy them.
I want a 3" passive catfish that can thoroughly:
Clean my plants
Clean my glass
Clean my ornaments
Disturb my substrate (scuffling motion stops fish waste from clogging up smaller plants)
Eat snails

I also want it to:
Be active and visible
Be hardy and adaptable to several water conditions
Have males that are blazingly colored red
Have females that are blazingly colored green
Breed easily
Have fry that are easy to raise and get to be 1/2 an inch long in 2 weeks or less

That's the one I want too, except I want mine to eat the othe fishes poo as well!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :sick: :sick:
How about a tartan betta?
ohh dannio nice :thumbs:

i agree with the eatin poo fish... my filters decided to do a kick back action after i cleaned my tank out the other day, so now iv gotta do it all again and fluch out the filter as well :(

id have fish that can talk also... i love that idea... espesh for this week as ill be in the house alone after work all week :-( at least id have someone to talk to
:eek: OH MY GOD - Just LOOK at that TARTAN BETTA! INSANE! :rofl:
Do us a pink / purple / blue camouflage one! :fun:

I'd LOVE a freshwater STARFISH, which sadly doesn't exist.

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