Fantasy fishies.


Sexy Martha Fahaka
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
East coast of England.
The world of aquarium fish is wide and diverse, There are fish to suit all tastes, tanksizes and biotopes.

But what fish do you wish existed?
This is a thread for imagining the 'what ifs' of fishkeeping...

What if there were a dwarf red-tailed catfish? (gets to eight inches)
Or a freshwater octopus?

Here's an example of one I made:

The Zebra Cory

Now over to you...
SirMinion said:
The world of aquarium fish is wide and diverse, There are fish to suit all tastes, tanksizes and biotopes.

But what fish do you wish existed?
This is a thread for imagining the 'what ifs' of fishkeeping...

What if there were a dwarf red-tailed catfish? (gets to eight inches)
Or a freshwater octopus?

Here's an example of one I made:

The Zebra Cory

Now over to you...
wow that looks sorta real :D

wow..if it would be in my tanks already :fun:
Clown loaches that only get to 3", so they could be kept in smaller aquariums. :D
So it seems that most people's idea of fantasy fish is dwarf versions of large species. Interesting.

I like GuppyLover's idea of a guppy-coloured swordtail.
SirMinion said:
So it seems that most people's idea of fantasy fish is dwarf versions of large species. Interesting.

I like GuppyLover's idea of a guppy-coloured swordtail.
That's the way it is, I would love an arowana, but, it gets three or so feet long :X For me, the coolest fish I want are also the biggest.
I want a 3" passive catfish that can thoroughly:
Clean my plants
Clean my glass
Clean my ornaments
Disturb my substrate (scuffling motion stops fish waste from clogging up smaller plants)
Eat snails

I also want it to:
Be active and visible
Be hardy and adaptable to several water conditions
Have males that are blazingly colored red
Have females that are blazingly colored green
Breed easily
Have fry that are easy to raise and get to be 1/2 an inch long in 2 weeks or less


I'd also like loaches that aren't so super hard to find and catch when needed.
Dwarf Oscar. I love Oscars and have wanted one for ages, just cant justify the room an appropriatly sized tank would take-up.
i want a fish that loves gettin in a net :S

when i do a full clean of my tak, i like takin the fish out an takin the water down to about 10% so that it just coveres the sand... but i find it such a huge task cause all my fish avoid the net ' ha u cant catch me' :grr:
In reality I want an arrowana!!! but I have fallen in love with that zebra cory!!!! :wub:

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