Fandangos Rio 125 New Build (Kind Of) !need Help!

got some cheato in the display tank in a washed out washing capsule box.. cut some holes in there and its on the left hand side of the tank..
itll stay there until i get one of the LED lights for the sump...

getting my clowns on sunday now as im skint.. will take some piks of them when there in.

hair algea seems to be making a return..thing i need to run my phos reactor for a few weeks to clear it all back..

otherwise all looking good.. (although i seem to have lost one of my snails somewhere... bet one of my crabs ate him..) ill get some more on sunday..

started running phosban now.. as the algea was doing my head in.. decided to do a proper clean of all the rocks with a toothbrush and vac.. absolutley loads of crap (the sock caught most of it) and then did a 25ltr water change after all the debris was cleaned out.. looks really clean now,

will phos ban take out any food source for my seastar??? just wondering cos hes doing well since i put him in and i dont want him to starve..

nice tank. get a load of algae hermits in there, they make quick work of hair algae. i started getting a bit when the reactor media needed changing but they soon got through it.

the only time iv got a shock off my tank is when the heaters are on their way out. iv had 2 do this to me now.

the bloke i got my blue star off said to put a piece of prawn on a cocktail stick now and again and lift a leg with it and tuck the prawn under.
no way does that actually work??? cooked prawn or raw?? i got a bag of frozen prawns i can defost one in hot water and give him that what u rekon..

got two clowns on the weekend.. there ace.. my first fish..!! woohoo
havnt named them yet..

water is fine will do some more tests tonight before water change tommrow.

other than that the algea is not going away yet.. ive put 1/3 of 150g tub of phosban in and it dosnt seem to be doing much.. its moving about in the reactor but not a massive tumble just a small this right???

yeah, use raw. dont put a huge bit in though. cut it up and it should last a few feeds. the shrimps and crabs love it too, so if the star has had enough and drops it they normally finish it off.

congrats on the clowns :)

the algae wont go away from what i understand. the phosban will just stop its growth and maybe slowly starve it. you still need to remove it with something... toothbrush, hermits, snails etc.

what reactor do you have? what pump? i made my own and theres no movement in there, the water has to force its way through the gaps in the media.
howdy.. havnt posted in a while.. been busy with christmas and work and things..

so anyway.. everything is good. everything is still alive...

got a strip of blue LED's from ebay and glued them to the light ballast for the moon effect.. works really well and got them on a timer to come on before and stay on after the main T5's come on..

been doing a little bit of aquascaping the last few days.. staying with the theme of tunnels and caves but have put some more rock in from the sump to the main tank.. looks a lot better..

one of the rock had some pink stuff on it.. which i thought must be algea of some sort.. i left it in the tank and now has what loooks like small aiptasia where the pink stuff was.. but there bright pink and dont look like the aiptasia i had before at all and the peps dont touch it..

im wondering if its juwel pink anenome..of some sort or another.. ill post some piks so you guys can help me idetify them... if there harmless ill leave them in.. pink is a decent color for corals..

other than that.. all is well.. doing weekly 25litre water changes and making sure my SG is around 1024 - 1026..

going to be making a gravity auto top off after new year and getting a auto feeder so when im on holiday it can go on autopilot for a week..

piks incoming.. (i know i keep saying this but ill definatley get some tonight )


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