False Siamese Tiger fish question


Jul 8, 2010
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dunstable, (lu54ap)
My two.

what are the eels in the pic and what size tank is that?
Looks like a polypterus/Birchir species, im def not an expert in that area, it may be a snakehead also
The white one at the back looks like a platinum Senegal bichir/Polypterus senegalus and the one near the front possible a Teugelsi bichir/Polypterus teugelsi but im not sure on that one. Depending on type they normally get 12-24" so about 75G min but 100G+ would be best.
If im honest i dont really know much about the tiger fish so i dont know what would work with them. IMO It looks a pretty good stocking already.
this is why im finding it so hard to stock the tank, the fish i like cant have more than 5-6 but i like a lot of activity and movement in my tanks so prefer to have 15+ fish
You could try a cichlid and catfish tank. If you went for peacful ones you could get away with a few bigger fish plus a few smaller ones.
i already have a malawi cichlid setup in my other tank, and wanted something a bit bigger for this tank, i was thinking arowana, 5 silver dollars and a retic ray but i think that is highly overstocked
i already have a malawi cichlid setup in my other tank, and wanted something a bit bigger for this tank, i was thinking arowana, 5 silver dollars and a retic ray but i think that is highly overstocked
I mean SA or CA cichlids like oscars, severums, acara.
Arowana and the rays will both get way to big for your tank.
What are the dimensions of the tank?
60 long, 20 deep and 22 high, i have some convict cichlids but oscars are a big no no, i dont like them at all, my mate has 3 of them.

but big cichlids arent out of the question, just need some suggestions as too what ones are suitable for my tank
60 long, 20 deep and 22 high, i have some convict cichlids but oscars are a big no no, i dont like them at all, my mate has 3 of them
With cichlids you have you can go for CA cichlids (like convicts) and just have a few bigger more agressive fish or you can go for SA cichlid which are genrally more peaceful like severums and acara.

For a CA tank something like
1 midas or texas cichlid
1 convict or firemouth
6 sliver dollars (one of the smaller types)
1 plec

or for a SA tank
1 rotkeil severum
2 angel fish (get 4 and wait for 2 to pair up)
4 red head tapajo geos
1 blue acara or a pair of keyhole cichlid

Or you could go for a few smaller SA cichlids like
2 pairs of angelfish
pair of keyhole cichlids
2 bolivian rams
2 laetacara curviceps
3 apistogramma
15 smallish rasbora or tetra (Bigger than neons or they will be angel food)
15 marble hatchets
ok so what could go with 6 convicts, i have 2 male stripes, 2 female stripes and 1m+1f albino, and rehoming them isnt an option, if they arent suitable for the bigger setup they can stay with my malawis where they are now, i kno they shouldnt be but i keep a very close eye and have no agression at all
6 convicts
1 big plec like a common or gibby
6 of one of the smaller types of silver dollar
And then maybe one big CA cichlid but there could be a big risk with that and the cons. Something like a midas, texas or female jaguar but if the cons start breeding there could be problems.

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