False Julli Corys


Nov 23, 2012
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Leeds, England
Hi, I thought I'd finally made sticking decisions - that was until I saw the price of False Julli Corys at out local MA.

Does anyone in the UK have these? If so how much did you pay for them?
Hi, I thought I'd finally made sticking decisions - that was until I saw the price of False Julli Corys at out local MA.

Does anyone in the UK have these? If so how much did you pay for them?

Area to area differs but round here they go for anything between £2 and £5 with an average of in between the two.
Well then I think I need to keep looking round near me - the place I looked today they were £12 each or 3 for £30. £5 each would be more than OK of I can find anywhere for that price.
Had a look in two MA shops near my parents as they were 4 for 20 pound in one and 4 for 12 pound in another.

I can't believe they can be 3 for 30 pound in one MA shop and 4 for 12 in another - I guess it's a lesson to make sure I shop around in the future.
Had a look in two MA shops near my parents as they were 4 for 20 pound in one and 4 for 12 pound in another.

I can't believe they can be 3 for 30 pound in one MA shop and 4 for 12 in another - I guess it's a lesson to make sure I shop around in the future.

This story is quite common amongst the MA shops tbh, i used to have 2 near by and like yours, there prices differed drastically.

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