Tomorrow will be five weeks since I started my fish-in cycle with 5 danios. I didn't know any better or I would have done a fishless cycle. I was pretty sure I was cycled about 10 days ago. Ammonia spiked and went down, Nitrite spiked and went down to zero and nitrates registered low levels. I have been going a little crazy because I continue to get very low ammonia readings (less than .25 ppm) while everything else looks great. I did no water changes for 7 days and the readings were the same. I did a 10% water change a few days ago and the results are the same. I heard Seachem Prime can cause false readings for ammonia on the API Test Kit so is that the likely culprit? The fish are thriving so I think my water is good, but I hate to add new fish when I’m getting strange water test results.