Fairy Cichlid Stocking Ideas?

Thanks for the feedback guys even the negative is appreciated. This forum makes me feel like there's hardly any interesting fish i can keep in a 125L tank :sad:
Lake Tanganyika Cichlids are very interesting. Or go for oddballs, why not have a pufferfish tank?

I really like Fairy Cichlids. I also have a girlfriend who wants something pretty to look at. Just need to find something colourful and interesting AND COMPATIBLE/SUITABLE!!!to go with the fairy's :shout:

I think that goes without saying. If I didnt want something compatible I wouldn't have started this thread. Like I said an perhaps back on topic, please suggest alternative stocking ideas that you believe could work. Rather than simply saying NO don't do this. As a new person to the hobby I am eager to learn but am finding it hard on here sometimes how people say everything you can do while offering few alternative ideas.

I believe you received some good answers in the thread you previously posted in the African section http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/356647-cichlids-in-a-roma-125l/

It has been explained that for you to be looking at the cichlids you`ve suggested, you need a bigger tank. You could possibly have a pair of Kribs but could then look at possibly adding 6-8 barbs i.e tiger barbs or green barbs (or similar) as these fish are ones that can move quick enough and take/give as good as they get from the kribs when spawning.
Ragtagcurtis - roadmaster has made some very good points. The key thing is that he has detailed personal experience and this reflects what the published information suggests for that fish.
Sometimes, fish that are regarded as being too aggressive for others dont display such typical behaviour and fishkeepers can testify to this fact. However, this tends to be the exception and must come with a health warning (your fishes health!), i think thats what the other posters are saying.

Centerpiece fish/fishes dont have to be based on size. They could be based around colour or shape.

I eventually decided against a centerpiece fish because there were too many choices of what to stock with them!

You have plenty of time yet. Go to as many shops as you can.

Thanks alot :good:
Your a beacon of advice for me on this forum.

What fish would you recommend in general for a tank such as this? I try an look as much as I can but working long hours as I'm sure your aware doesnt make things easy when shops all seem to close at around 5pm.
I must be very lucky then, thats all i can say. And so is my friend who bred them in his community tank... :rolleyes:
The suggestions in the other topic you posted in the African section are good.
I like elisew suggestions. She has some fantastic setups and experience and i would value her opinion particularly if you wanted Tangs in future.

I like apistos but have not had them.......yet!
There are other cichlids such as bolivian rams.

If you are keen on cichlids then the options are:

- a cichlid only tank
- a mixed community with 2-4 small cichlids as center piece and then other fish to go with them.

As i understand it, even the most peaceful cichlids can get a bit rough when breeding but nothing like the hardcore cichlids.

Keep asking for suggestions on this forum.

My suggestion would be: you chose centerpiece fish and your girlfriend chooses the other fish!

Look at vids on youtube of fish that you are interested in as well and that way you will get an idea of where in the tank they will be. No point having fish that are just going to be at the bottom half of the tank unless that is what you want.
So if you want a balance, the cichlids should be with a shoaling/schooling type fish.
Thanks for the feedback guys even the negative is appreciated. This forum makes me feel like there's hardly any interesting fish i can keep in a 125L tank :sad:
Lake Tanganyika Cichlids are very interesting. Or go for oddballs, why not have a pufferfish tank?

I really like Fairy Cichlids. I also have a girlfriend who wants something pretty to look at. Just need to find something colourful and interesting AND COMPATIBLE/SUITABLE!!!to go with the fairy's :shout:

I think that goes without saying. If I didnt want something compatible I wouldn't have started this thread. Like I said an perhaps back on topic, please suggest alternative stocking ideas that you believe could work. Rather than simply saying NO don't do this. As a new person to the hobby I am eager to learn but am finding it hard on here sometimes how people say everything you can do while offering few alternative ideas.

I believe you received some good answers in the thread you previously posted in the African section http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/356647-cichlids-in-a-roma-125l/

It has been explained that for you to be looking at the cichlids you`ve suggested, you need a bigger tank. You could possibly have a pair of Kribs but could then look at possibly adding 6-8 barbs i.e tiger barbs or green barbs (or similar) as these fish are ones that can move quick enough and take/give as good as they get from the kribs when spawning.

I've just read through that thread again so thank you. Please understand I am here to gain knowledge so sorry if it seems I ask the same question more than once. Sometimes I dont understand the answer for example. When that thread was going I didn't realise that fairy Cichlids and Neolamprologus brichardi were the same fish :unsure:

Anyway I'm slowly getting there.

Am I right in therefore thinking that Kribs can work fine in a community tank, maybe 1M and 2F where as fairy's should probably be species only tanks and I could fit around 4 of the 1M and 3F in this tank?
Heres some sites for you to have a look at which provide detailed info about lots of tropical fish - water parameters, compatabilit, photos etc.
You will see that even this info can vary for some indivisual types of fish.







So if I do decide to stick with these in my Roma 125L can anyone tell me roughly how many I should have in the tank and in what ratios, example 2M:3F???

Also is their any other Cichlids or other fish I COULD put in a tank this size with them?
So if I do decide to stick with these in my Roma 125L can anyone tell me roughly how many I should have in the tank and in what ratios, example 2M:3F???

Also is their any other Cichlids or other fish I COULD put in a tank this size with them?

Male /Female ratio in my view would be one male or one female, for there is little chance that spawning would occur.
With no eggs/fry in the picture,these fish are not much more aggressive or territorial than other cichlids and you could possibly place other fish that enjoy similar water conditions with this fish so long as the fish were not too shy or reserved.
Hmm so even if I have a species only tank. I should only have 2 of this fish in this size a tank?
Hmm so even if I have a species only tank. I should only have 2 of this fish in this size a tank?

If you are set on this,, You could place one male and three females in your roughly 33 gal, and when or if a pair male/female forms,(probable) you will most likely need to remove the other's for reasons already noted.
Don't rely on opinions (mine included), as to likelihood of the fishes getting along in any kind of community setting with the exception of the single pair, and fry from their spawn.But instead,,research the info readily available and free over the internet.

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