Fairy Cichlid Stocking Ideas?

You should definitely NOT be keeping 'fairy' cichlids with community fish. They need very different water and the cichlid are fairlt aggressive. Neither Galaxy Rasboras, Corys or Gouramis are suitable with them. Add tankmates which require similar water conditions to these cichlids and that are semi agggressive. I'd post this thread in the African Cichlid section where the experts will be able to help you out :crazy:
You should definitely NOT be keeping 'fairy' cichlids with community fish. They need very different water and the cichlid are fairlt aggressive. Neither Galaxy Rasboras, Corys or Gouramis are suitable with them. Add tankmates which require similar water conditions to these cichlids and that are semi agggressive. I'd post this thread in the African Cichlid section where the experts will be able to help you out :crazy:

+one, I tried to suggest as much.
And all I was suggesting is that mine are fine and dandy. You kept yours with equally aggressive new world cichlids and then complained because they were too aggressive?! Maybe I shouldn't keep them with community fish but they shouldn't be kept with cichlids from America either. :good:
Rights and wrongs apart, what should i be keeping my Fairies with then? I have a group of 4, i think i have 2 males and 2 females (2 are smaller with less elongated finnage) and would like to keep them as a group seeing as they have been together for over a year. My tank is the same size, 125 litres. I have enough rocks to fill the tank twice over along with bog wood and live plants. The water is well filtered with a Fluval U3 although i have the option to swap it to a Fluval 4+ if that would be better...

All opinions and advice will be considered seriously.
Rights and wrongs apart, what should i be keeping my Fairies with then? I have a group of 4, i think i have 2 males and 2 females (2 are smaller with less elongated finnage) and would like to keep them as a group seeing as they have been together for over a year. My tank is the same size, 125 litres. I have enough rocks to fill the tank twice over along with bog wood and live plants. The water is well filtered with a Fluval U3 although i have the option to swap it to a Fluval 4+ if that would be better...

All opinions and advice will be considered seriously.
Other Lake Tanganyika Cichlids, which ones I have no idea...
Thanks for the feedback guys even the negative is appreciated. This forum makes me feel like there's hardly any interesting fish i can keep in a 125L tank :sad:
Thanks for the feedback guys even the negative is appreciated. This forum makes me feel like there's hardly any interesting fish i can keep in a 125L tank :sad:
Lake Tanganyika Cichlids are very interesting. Or go for oddballs, why not have a pufferfish tank?
Thanks for the feedback guys even the negative is appreciated. This forum makes me feel like there's hardly any interesting fish i can keep in a 125L tank :sad:
Lake Tanganyika Cichlids are very interesting. Or go for oddballs, why not have a pufferfish tank?

I really like Fairy Cichlids. I also have a girlfriend who wants something pretty to look at. Just need to find something colourful and interesting to go with the fairy's
And all I was suggesting is that mine are fine and dandy. You kept yours with equally aggressive new world cichlids and then complained because they were too aggressive?! Maybe I shouldn't keep them with community fish but they shouldn't be kept with cichlids from America either. :good:

I think you have poster's confused. It was I, who placed the juvenile Brichardi(s) with the much larger Cichlids.
Water parameter's were within comfort level for species being kept as stated perhaps a bit soft for the Brichardi.
My point was... the Brichardi were/are, wholly capable of inflicting serious damage/stress, to much larger fish than themselves in spawning mode,fry protection, and as such would not be good community fish for other species mentioned in this thread.
I was much younger, and did not know any different at the time, and am only stating possibility/probability, of others expieriencing similar behaivor that I expierienced, hence the reason I moved the brichardi to species only tank as also mentioned.
Am pleased that your fish are getting along but it does not negate what I have attempted to share as perhaps a warning.
Most published literature would I believe, express similar information if one were inclined to search it out.
Thanks for the feedback guys even the negative is appreciated. This forum makes me feel like there's hardly any interesting fish i can keep in a 125L tank :sad:
Lake Tanganyika Cichlids are very interesting. Or go for oddballs, why not have a pufferfish tank?

I really like Fairy Cichlids. I also have a girlfriend who wants something pretty to look at. Just need to find something colourful and interesting AND COMPATIBLE/SUITABLE!!!to go with the fairy's :shout:
Thanks for the feedback guys even the negative is appreciated. This forum makes me feel like there's hardly any interesting fish i can keep in a 125L tank :sad:
Lake Tanganyika Cichlids are very interesting. Or go for oddballs, why not have a pufferfish tank?

I really like Fairy Cichlids. I also have a girlfriend who wants something pretty to look at. Just need to find something colourful and interesting AND COMPATIBLE/SUITABLE!!!to go with the fairy's :shout:

I think that goes without saying. If I didnt want something compatible I wouldn't have started this thread. Like I said an perhaps back on topic, please suggest alternative stocking ideas that you believe could work. Rather than simply saying NO don't do this. As a new person to the hobby I am eager to learn but am finding it hard on here sometimes how people say everything you can do while offering few alternative ideas.
Ragtagcurtis - roadmaster has made some very good points. The key thing is that he has detailed personal experience and this reflects what the published information suggests for that fish.
Sometimes, fish that are regarded as being too aggressive for others dont display such typical behaviour and fishkeepers can testify to this fact. However, this tends to be the exception and must come with a health warning (your fishes health!), i think thats what the other posters are saying.

Centerpiece fish/fishes dont have to be based on size. They could be based around colour or shape.

I eventually decided against a centerpiece fish because there were too many choices of what to stock with them!

You have plenty of time yet. Go to as many shops as you can.
I havent keep them but ive read time and time again that when they pair they will want to take over the tank. They are prob best kept with malawis due to aggressiveness or a specied tank. As for tangs you might be ok with lelupi as there a nice yellow.

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