Fact About Blackwater Aquarium


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2020
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Is it true that
-Neon Tetra (As Blackwater Fish) is Not a Beginner fish?
-Blackwater Aquarium Is Challenging and Hard to Conserve ?
-You Have to clean Filter Only once for 4 Month - 1 years duration thats in Blackwater Aquarium?
-Blackwater Aquarium Doesn't have bacteria in water but only on "Brown Gunk" at filter?
I found this Fact @ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjAAegQIBBAC&usg=AOvVaw1uX_Iga-2j_8kOCIwivy-8

I do a lot of research Recently since i am going to stock my Blackwater Aquarium Soon. :fish: :angel:
1)Neon Tetras are not hardy fish probably due to over breeding. So, probably not suitable for the beginner.
But I think there are people who succeeded in keeping them for a long time. There are always the exception cases.

2)I don't think blackwater is hard to keep.
But I prefer not keep black water to avoid unnecessarily work.
If you need to perform frequent large water changes, it will create more work and instability for your tank water, which is bad for your fish.
You may need to keep some big barrels to treat your water before putting them into your tank to maintain the same water parameters.

You can check here on how to create blackwater:

3)It's advisable to clean your filter at least once a month or preferably once every two weeks.

4)In all aquariums, the beneficial bacteria(BB) stays mostly in the filter medias or substrate.
They seldom stay in the water.

In blackwater, make sure that your water pH doesn't drop too low and becoming too acidic, else the BB will die or stop their activities.
If the BB dies, you will have a hard time in removing the ammonia in the water.
Probably you may have to change your tank water "everyday".
Hence, if you want to create blackwater, you will have to monitor your pH frequently.
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The reason there is no beneficial bacteria is because the bacteria goes dormant in a certain acidity of PH and black water tanks are very low PH

Edited to add, my PH is very acidic so I have no BB and no need to cycle a tank
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I see, I really confused last night since so many websites provided Information but some of the information is kinda different to each Website.
I am using kal-bar meter digital for my PH And its giving a 0.01 accuracy so i will stay in touch on my PH and other chemical
Is it true that
-Neon Tetra (As Blackwater Fish) is Not a Beginner fish?
-Blackwater Aquarium Is Challenging and Hard to Conserve ?
-You Have to clean Filter Only once for 4 Month - 1 years duration thats in Blackwater Aquarium?
-Blackwater Aquarium Doesn't have bacteria in water but only on "Brown Gunk" at filter?
Neon tetras and other tetras are fine for a beginning fish keeper. As long as you keep their water clean most fish are fine for a beginner.

A blackwater aquarium is simply an aquarium with lots of tannins in. Tannins are the yellow/ brown colour that comes out of dead plant matter that is in water. When you make a cup of tea to drink, the tea leaves release tannins into the water and you drink the tannin stained water.

In an aquarium, tannins normally come out of driftwood in the tank.

A blackwater aquarium requires the same maintenance as any other aquarium.

You can keep tetras and other fishes from blackwater, in an aquarium without the blackwater (tannins).

Lajos_Detari told you about filters. Clean established filters at least once a month. Wash filter media/ materials in a bucket of tank water and re-use the media. Tip the bucket of dirty water on the garden/ lawn.

New filters should not be cleaned for the first 6-8 weeks so they can develop the good filter bacteria. Then they can be done every 2-4 weeks after they have established.

Tannins in water can inhibit or slow the growth of some bacteria, fungus, protozoans and viruses.

Filter bacteria will still grow in tannin stained water assuming the pH isn't too low.

As mentioned by JuiceBox52, if the pH gets too low (below 5.0), the filter bacteria can stop growing. However, tannins will not normally drop the pH a lot. The pH is determined by the general hardness (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH), mostly the KH.

The brown gunk on the bottom of the tank, in the gravel and filter is fish poop and needs to be removed regularly to prevent diseases.
I read the linked article, and while there are some interesting concepts being suggested, there are also some very inaccurate statements. Tthe author refuses to give his name, and this should always raise red flags. The excuse of identity theft is meaningless. Every qualified author of an article on fish or this hobby will give his name; if not, we cannot possibly take it as credible and it should not even be read. Using the term "Aquarium Science" is really pushing the boundaries of the term, not to mention that there is no scientific paper or study that does not bear the author's name.
I agree. I read the website in the link through and there are a lot of wrong information.

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