Ace Of Spades
Fish Gatherer
As for the trolls, simply responding to the trolls makes them oh so worse, I've done it my self. It's hilarious when somebody whines because you insulted them, that's the whole idea behind trolls, they just want a reaction, the thing that is making trolls worse is the people whining at them.
If a troll starts on you, just tell him to gb2/b/.
Do you mean you have been a Troll or have been insulted by response from a Troll?
for some reason I;ve got tje image of someone on a counselling session saying my name is Joe Bloggs and I used to be a troll!!
Biff is right about kids and discipline... the respect alot of them had I believe is diminishing making this a trickier world and I would hate to be ateacher these days. They certainly have alot to contend with
I find the youths the hardest to deal with a nd avoid them ifI can as they have no respect in general and are not scared of the police or jail. This is obviously a sweeping statement and some kids to impress me with their attitudes despite poor upbringing but in the main they are a nightmare and I worry for my kids future and the world they are growing in to
Actually I believe it is quite the opposite, you may think that all kids are like this, but normally it is the same group of kids that you're seeing on the streets. I know that most kids around here hate the "rebel" kids that get in trouble with the law and abuse older people. You really must only be talking to those who hang around on streets.
its since they stopped discipline in
schools if they discipline kids today
they send them home and that is just
playing right into the kids hands
which leaves them to Roam the streets
where they can cause more trouble
Ehh, discipline is taught at home by parents. Schools are not responsible for the way children are brought up in their family home. Although of course parents seem to be abdicating all responsibility to us (school) now a days, as does it seem society is as well!
Behaviour was no better when there was corporal punishment! - there have always and always will be children who have behavioural issues as part of a medical condition and children who have been brought up to believe that education is not important and that the Police etc are to be distrusted and abused.
The only sanction available to schools is a fixed term exclusion. if parents enforce the sanction with appropriate sanctions of their own, support the school and show children that education is important they can be effective. Pupils are not allowed 'on the streets' during an exclusion, they need to be kept home to study.
The majority of young people are kind, trustworthy and lovely people to know, its just a shame that people only seem to come in contact with the anti social ones!
Seffie x
it taught me respect just been
to a school reunion last week and
all my old teachers were there and we still
called them all sir and miss even though we all left in
1980 i think the parents are a bit like teachers as well got there hands tide as there own kids will lay them in if there parents use corporal punishment has well like someone said to me they know the law better than
the law if you know what i mean [ you touch me I'll tell the police on you]
and they do the same with parents and teaches alike
the biffster
You may think of me as a troll for this, but why is it that you don't type on one line?