F8 Water Specifications


New Member
Jul 21, 2005
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Hey I'm new to keeping F8 and I have a 40 gallon all set up ready to stock. I need to know...

What temp is best?

What salinity of water?

Best PH?

What decore is best?

Do they like hiding places? or open spaces? rocks? wood? etc?

anything else you may think I need to know to keep healthy F8s.

I'm excited. they are great fish.

Tempature- between 75-80 plus or minus a few degrees
Specific gravity- 1.001-1.005, vary with each water change.
pH- 7.5-8
Decor- Provide amble swimming room but enjoys some dense areas and seems to be amused by bubble wands.

This link provides a picture of a puffer biotope, similar to what yours will enjoy.

What is Specific Gravity?

"Specific gravity- 1.001-1.005, vary with each water change"

plus that tank in the link was pretty ugly. Do they live in that type of enviroment. I have sand in mine and I'm deciding what rocks and what not to put in there.
Specific graity is another measurment of the salt content. Its more commonly used than salinty. I find that tank to be quite stunning, considering its in the largest international, most famous aquascaping competition I cant see how it could be "pretty ugly". But yes, thats the type of environment they do inhabit.
Specific graity is another measurment of the salt content. Its more commonly used than salinty. I find that tank to be quite stunning, considering its in the largest international, most famous aquascaping competition I cant see how it could be "pretty ugly". But yes, thats the type of environment they do inhabit.

I guess the tank isn't that bad. I just got caught up in the cloudy green color. the decor is nice. Thanks for the info any.

How much salt per gallon would I need to obtain the needed amount?
To get that salinity you need to buy a tool called a hydrometer. they're not very expensive and you're LFS will have one, then add salt and periodically check the water with the hydrometer untill it reaches the desired salinity. you can not be sure without the hydrometer. Also, don't mix the salt in if there are fish in the tank, it can burn them. If there are fish already in the tank, pre-mix the water and salt. be sure to buy artificial sea salt mix, you can buy that at most LFS as well.

that helps a lot. I will go get one of those hydrometer things and get my tank ready

Might I add that I've never had any luck with permanent live plants with my Figure8s. They've destroyed everything I've put in with them, from sea-grass to java fern to hornwort. The plants quickly get puffer-mouth sized chunks bitten out of them and die off. I've read of others pulling it off successfully, but I haven't yet figured out how. After a few months I gave up and switched to fake plants.

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