F2 Yellow Pingu Guppies!

Man of fish

I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
Nov 18, 2011
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I just ordered 1 male, 2 female F2 yellow pingu guppies from North Korea. I'm hoping to breed them (they're guppies so shouldn't be too hard!) they were only $2 each, but they are pretty young. I've got s few questions.

What does the F2 mean? I think it's got something to do with wild or not?

Anyone know if these are good, and if I'd get a good return on their fry?
don't pictures when they arrive !!!!

Also what's the site you got them off?
(PM me just incase its rule breaking to say other sites)
Don't pictures? Was it spell check? I'm in the US but the website was bobstropicalplants.com. If it is breaking the rules, mods please tell me and I can pm him the site.
f2 means second generation from a wild pair. i.e there grandparents were wild and there parents are f1 and there babies will be f3. ..........................................they are basically wild though,
Oh ok. That's good right? How much do you think I could expect to see per fry on say aquabid?
Pingus are a man made strain so I don't know what they're implying by F2.... but lloyd is correct. Normally F2 would mean second generation from a wild pair.
He may be trying to say that it is the second generation since they came to the US. The seller is located in California.
Maybe. I know that's where he is.
Turns out these are the fry of first generation yellow pingus in the states. They're really about Fsomewhere around 50
they're pretty anyways :) my guppies are all dark, I ned to introduce some yellow or orange to my tank :)
Pingu's are quite a rare base colour (pink) if you look at the females you see it best, the pale body with the reticulated marking's being shown much stronger.

Again F2 from when the breeder got them.

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