F0 C.Schwartzi


Al Bundy
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 12, 2003
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Hello everybody :)

A LFS near me just recieved a small shoal of about 12 F0 (wild caught) Corydoras Schwartzi, since i'm looking to buy some cory's with the intention of breeding them i thought thesee guys (and girls) would be a perfect oppurtunity, we don't usually get wild caught fish around these parts of the world.

I'v set up a 10 gallon tank <<the one in my sig>> ideally i'd use the 25 gallon, but thats not a possibilty atm due to a number of reasons.

I'v read as much as i can find on these fish and was wondering if anybody here has some usuful information on these lovley fish they would be willing to share.

Thanks everyone :nod:
Hi Doggfather, C. Schwartzi are one of the most attractive (in my opinion) Corys. :nod:

My shoal of six love to hide under a large bed of cabomba, and are most active at night. however, since i added 4 (now 3) CPaleatus to the tank, they come out at mealtimes a lot more, and seem to be less timid. I include a small plant pot in the back corner, and there are always two or three in it.

Have a look here; www.corycats.com/corydoras_schwartzi_htm.htm
Thanks for the info Aquamick, i checked out Ian site, too bad he dson't have a spawning log :(

Fishy Fishy Man: The fish store is located in Ivanhoe. But a word of warning, the fish don't come cheap! it's going to cost me over $70 for the group of 6! and thats with my rather generous discount :lol: . Also, i know the owners, so i worked out a deal to pay them $10 a week :nod:

Thanks again

Edit: I'd like to throw in that yes, i am crazy for paying a whole lot of money for some cory's but hey, you only live once :S
70$ for Corys! Wow! I got my 6 for £20! I've tried to breed mine, no success :( I think Ian bred his by accident, so he didn't record it. Searched google too, nothing.
It's $70 australian, so it's pretty much equivilent to what you paid :nod:

How many times have you tried spawning them? Did you try out any triggers such as cool water changes?
http://www.corydorasworld.com try that for some great articles .... also a yahoo.com search was what I hit the jack pot with .... best of luck ($70 !!!) it would cost me around $18 U.S. my price beats you all you all should move to he south east ..... U.S. has literally some of the best prices in the world ....:D
I used sensis.com to zero in on your LFS (or not so local fish store to me, but acceptable. Im near dandenong)

I really want to get some of these guys, but ive got no chance of breeding them, im still a mega-newb (and proud of it :kana: ) I dont want to make it hard for experienced fish keepers to breed such rare cories by only leaving one or two

Still thinking of getting two of them, and some others to keep them company. Any idea what cories they would school with them that are... cheaper. and maybe more common?

If you do manage to get them to have babies just yell out, and ill see if i can take some of your hands... he he he

Sorry if i'm spamming up your thread.

At least it will go to the top of the list now :D

Fishy Fishy Man said:
I used sensis.com to zero in on your LFS (or not so local fish store to me, but acceptable. Im near dandenong)

I really want to get some of these guys, but ive got no chance of breeding them, im still a mega-newb (and proud of it :kana: ) I dont want to make it hard for experienced fish keepers to breed such rare cories by only leaving one or two

Still thinking of getting two of them, and some others to keep them company. Any idea what cories they would school with them that are... cheaper. and maybe more common?

If you do manage to get them to have babies just yell out, and ill see if i can take some of your hands... he he he

Sorry if i'm spamming up your thread.

At least it will go to the top of the list now :D

Not a problem :nod:

If you want to get some, you'll need to go down to the store on a monday to friday or sunday and speak to Ian or Kath, and ask them to get some in for you :) The current price for each fish is $18 i believe.

If you only wish to get two of them, then some other similiar sized corys such as bronze, peppered, panda, julli and sterbai will make great additions to any tank.

Being a 'newb' has nothing to do with it really. This will be my first time breeding cory :lol:. As long as you have the patience and put in the effort anything is possible (sorry if its sounding like a lecture :p).

Good luck, and thanks for the bump

I tried to condition my C.Schwartzi in the main tank, so maybe they didn't get enough food. I use cool water changes. about 3 degrees lower than the normal. :)

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