Hello everybody
A LFS near me just recieved a small shoal of about 12 F0 (wild caught) Corydoras Schwartzi, since i'm looking to buy some cory's with the intention of breeding them i thought thesee guys (and girls) would be a perfect oppurtunity, we don't usually get wild caught fish around these parts of the world.
I'v set up a 10 gallon tank <<the one in my sig>> ideally i'd use the 25 gallon, but thats not a possibilty atm due to a number of reasons.
I'v read as much as i can find on these fish and was wondering if anybody here has some usuful information on these lovley fish they would be willing to share.
Thanks everyone
A LFS near me just recieved a small shoal of about 12 F0 (wild caught) Corydoras Schwartzi, since i'm looking to buy some cory's with the intention of breeding them i thought thesee guys (and girls) would be a perfect oppurtunity, we don't usually get wild caught fish around these parts of the world.
I'v set up a 10 gallon tank <<the one in my sig>> ideally i'd use the 25 gallon, but thats not a possibilty atm due to a number of reasons.
I'v read as much as i can find on these fish and was wondering if anybody here has some usuful information on these lovley fish they would be willing to share.
Thanks everyone