well. the time has flown since I last updated on the spawn. I lost one betta today, so I'm down to 8. There's a large difference in the sizes, but I think they'll most likely ALL end up being smallish for bettas. Here's pics of my favourite one, and one of his/her sibs

My hopes are still up, that a few might be butterfly-patterned. You can't see the rim of black around the fins, but it's there in real life.
I've been feeding them microworms (rarely now), crushed up flakes (which they finally started eating...and they LOVE them now), frozen brineshrimp (spirulina enriched), and freeze-dried bloodworms (as of today...their mouths are mostly big enough to eat them now...and they really attack the bloodworms!). Anyways, here's two pics. Note their fins are slowly starting to elongate:
1) my favourite of the spawn (he's coloured up the most so far)
2) the fav, and a tankmate
PS: Oh yeah, there's been very little aggression up to this point. I noticed one missing a small piece of his dorsal fin, but it grew back mostly within less than a week. I'm going to change water more often now, and up the feedings a little bit, so I can get them to adult size ASAP. In a week or so, they'll be upgraded to a 10 gallon tank that I'm getting for free. Then, I'll probably start jarring them soon after that (as soon as they start getting more aggressive).