Extreme Makeover!


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all. :D

Well today ive done my exstreme makeover on my 60 Liter tank and im happy with the results.

What ive done is add fertz gravel for the plants and did the sand thing.

Also got Terafin C02 kit.

Luckely I already had external filters running so should not have any problem.

Please tell me what you think.Water still a bit milky. :blush:

Tjoy!! :)



Looking Great ! :good:

It's "Nutrafin" btw. ;)

Do you now have a background ? previously you could see the cables (in your before pics) - but can't quite make out now.
Thx peeps!!

Sorry Nutrafin...hehehehe

Yeah got background now but got some water inbetween so just waiting for it to dry then will look better.
It's very nice!!! Personally though I would move that rock from the middle so its slightly offset to the side then it looks more natural, other than that, well done! :hooray:
I was looking at the first two pictures and I was like "He's taking the mick right? Where does this "Extreme Makeover" come in?" Then I realised I was looking at the before pictures! :blush: He does have the rock at an offset, it looks quite good actually! Think the plants would look better if they were better laid out (don't ask me how to do it, i'm useless), and they were taller. At the minute it looks like you just have fast growers in to outcompete any algae.

Hi all!!

Thx for all the replys.

Well made few minor changes.

As for the plants.Im also not very good with layouts but beware that some of those plants in there is still to grow much higher so I will see how it goes.If it grows to high in some places i will just move it more to the back of the tank.I like to give the fish some sort of open water and I have a current running the top 10 Cm which they enjoy and high growing plants will cause problems.

Plants I have also seen lay them selfs out as they grow so just to keep an eye on them.HEHE...they just need to grow atleast for now.

there is some tipe of red plant behind the rock that still small but im hoping it will grow over it.Very nice color.

Updated Pic.

Let me know whta you guys think and please any suggestions will be AWSOME!!!
Great improvement !

And it'll only get better as the plants grow out.

The only comment I have (its more of a personal preference really) is I dont like the fake rock with holes. I know they create nice caves for bottom dwellers, but I think that a nice big natural stone or two would look much better, and if you arrange them right, then you can create the hidey holes anyway.

well done tho' d3tained

:clap: :clap: :clap:
You are right Scuba thx I aslo feel that I need to do it its just that rock was the 1st thing my fish enjoyed...Untill they got bored with it. ( Memmories ) I love my little buggers even if they are poop machines.

I will have alook around for some nice rocks!

Another thing I have 1 large peace of Bog wood and 1 smaller one at the left hand side not vissabile on the photo, maybe get n more peace...mmmmm
Thx man, yeah moving the rock more to the right side and more backwords did make it look better.THX.

The fish are going crazy with the sand..heheh...my ZigZag eal just go underground. :D

Any otehr comments suggestions anybody?


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