Expensive Fish But No Quarantine Tank.

I am in the process of buying the equipment for a hospital/quarantine tank but cannot find a 18x12x12inch glass tank anywhere. no one stocks em. any suggestions? i live in yorkshire near leeds, uk

if your near leeds then you need to checkout the massive aquatic center near armley and kirkstall.

has tanks in every size from betta bowls to giant swimming pool type things lol.

might actually be a pet superstore but its got mainly fish (there downstairs.)

if you kno where the VUE cinema is in kirkstall then directions from there would be...

leavin VUE turn right and go under the big bridge and take another right jus after that up into armley.

youll see it on ya left as you go up the hill but the entrance is round the front.

take a left at the top of the hill and we parked basically right outside.

have some really kewl fish to see too.

if your near leeds then you need to checkout the massive aquatic center near armley and kirkstall.


SamUK, is this Animal House? Animal House went bust last year :no:

If no please give me the name and i will do some research :thumbs:
:crazy: cant remember the name of the place.

i had heard it had gone bust actually but my mum told me it was still open so we went down.

i was actually told they were shutdown for keeping there animals badly but they must of sorted themselves out cos it looked ok to me and they were open like i say.
Just rang animal house, they are still open but now on armley road. going today to pick up quarantine tank. If i can find it.....

thanks SamUK
I am in the process of buying the equipment for a hospital/quarantine tank but cannot find a 18x12x12inch glass tank anywhere. no one stocks em. any suggestions? i live in yorkshire near leeds, uk

I had the same problem trying to get the kit for a small hospital tank at all the small local stores, but finding it would cost a fortune to get anything small. In the end I did wind up at Pets@ and bought a kiddies starting kit; has worked very well. And I am keeping a spare filter sponge in one of my main tanks.
Wouldn't trust any of my local shops to quarantine fish- Pets@ CLAIM they do, but as far as I can work out, they run all their tanks on the same system...

If I bought a large number of fish on the same day, I would put them all in together; it's the thought of losing fish you've cherished for years, because of one new introduction.

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