Okay, dropping a fish in almost freezing water may be better than leaving them in the freezer, but I still maintain that it would not be as good an alternative as clove oil, unless you cannot obtain clove oil.
For one, a fish's pain receptors are enough like ours that they will avoid things that are harmful to them. That is the entire purpose of pain. If they could not feel pain, then they would not try to rub ich off on things in the tank and they would not thrash around from ich and velvet. That requires pain receptors, no matter how primitive they may be.
Being that I know that they can experience some kind of pain, the only assumptions I can truly make about them are based on human experiences. Humans thrown into shock are generally still aware of feeling to some extent and live for at least a little while. It takes time for shock to kill and it takes time for cold to kill. People can survive being dunked under the water of an icy lake, so obviously death isn't instantaneous. It may be much faster for a fish, but it still takes time. On top of that, in cold water, they cannot breathe. So, they go into shock and suffocate as they freeze.
The cold water may be comparable to clove oil in speed when used as described above, but it is not peaceful. Like I said, if there is no other alternative, the freezing method is probably the best option, but I will still use clove oil as the most humane method.