I wish I’d found this forum earlier.
One of my children win a fish at the fair
I didn’t want a fish but I adopted it
I bought tanks one for £50 then later one for £100
Fed it and changed the water
I had it 8 years
Putting it down was awful and I’ve come on here today to vent how very devastating it was to put the fish down myself. It’s left me heartbroken and traumatised
I had panic attacks before and afterwards and now flashbacks
I want to warn anyone of a sensitive nature to not do this yourself
Let a vet or responsible person with decisive instruction.
I used clove oil and it seemed very quick
The smell of that stuff will live with me forever and I couldn’t get the smell off my hands although I swear I wore gloves.
The fish already seemed sedated after about 15 drops then I just poured the whole two 10 ml bottles in 1 litre water
That’s 400 mg of clove
It looked gone but then poured a load of vodka in
Before I even did this
I dissolved in the water 2 sleeping pills and 4 Baclofen muscle relaxant
Another to put out an elephant
Still after just the pills, 2 hours later the goldfish was still alive
He was very ill with goldfish cancer and a severe bend
I’d tried all sorts but he was beyond help
That damn clove oil smelt so bad
It can burn to
On hindsight I would have gone to the vet and wish I had
Please go to your vet, if you are like me
It was awful and he’s still in the tub with the lid and I can’t bare to get it and bury the fish or look at it
It deserved a decent burial yet I buried a rabbit in the garden 15 years ago and think about it still so letting the fish get taken when refuse come.
So sorry fish.
One of my children win a fish at the fair
I didn’t want a fish but I adopted it
I bought tanks one for £50 then later one for £100
Fed it and changed the water
I had it 8 years
Putting it down was awful and I’ve come on here today to vent how very devastating it was to put the fish down myself. It’s left me heartbroken and traumatised
I had panic attacks before and afterwards and now flashbacks
I want to warn anyone of a sensitive nature to not do this yourself
Let a vet or responsible person with decisive instruction.
I used clove oil and it seemed very quick
The smell of that stuff will live with me forever and I couldn’t get the smell off my hands although I swear I wore gloves.
The fish already seemed sedated after about 15 drops then I just poured the whole two 10 ml bottles in 1 litre water
That’s 400 mg of clove
It looked gone but then poured a load of vodka in
Before I even did this
I dissolved in the water 2 sleeping pills and 4 Baclofen muscle relaxant
Another to put out an elephant
Still after just the pills, 2 hours later the goldfish was still alive
He was very ill with goldfish cancer and a severe bend
I’d tried all sorts but he was beyond help
That damn clove oil smelt so bad
It can burn to
On hindsight I would have gone to the vet and wish I had
Please go to your vet, if you are like me
It was awful and he’s still in the tub with the lid and I can’t bare to get it and bury the fish or look at it
It deserved a decent burial yet I buried a rabbit in the garden 15 years ago and think about it still so letting the fish get taken when refuse come.
So sorry fish.