Estimative Index Dosing


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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On the advice of Ianho my planting guru I have been dosing using the EI method for a week.Is anyone else doing this and have they seen any big gains yet? or any problems along the way.

i need to do my big water change today as well. Bearing in mind how expensive flourish excel and trace is this will be a far cheaper way of doing it

Fingers crossed it will work and not effect my discus also
I've been keeping fish for about 10 years and had planted, discus, brackish and pretty much every other trop going and I have no idea what EI is lol.
Aye up Simon it wasn't just me who said go down the EI route! :lol: :lol:

It will work out loads cheaper for you though, and to be fair i don't use EI dosing :lol: I do dose separately, but i use the Easylife stuff (that would also work out expensive in your tank). There are millions of success stories with EI. :good:
I started using it without CO2, but after discussions with Mr Barr I decided to drastically reduce the dosing I was using. He says it is inapproriate for non-CO2 tanks, but can be adapted.

I also checked my tapwater and found that I didn't need any nitrate or phosphate. So now I just use trace and potassium sulphate. I had massive nitrate and phosphate levels in the tank at the end of each week and an algae problem.

I am now using CO2 (yeast) as an experiment and the algae is going and the plants look better for it. I still just dose a reduced trace and Potassium Sulphate. No Nitrate or Phosphate.
I suppose its a case of suck it and see :good:
Yeah I've been using the EI method for at least two may be three years. It takes a while to get to grips with it but well worth the the effort.
I have clown loach and it does not bother them so your discus should be fine, keep an eye on the co2 readings as that's what can cause the problems to the fish
There are millions of success stories with EI.

Not quite millions, it isn't just a case of changing the frequency of dosing and using EI endorsed nutrients that solves people's problems. Often EI dosing brings with it a whole bunch of new issues that are hard to solve, i.e. the green hair algae that I currently have which I cannot attribute a route cause.

I personally started the EI method along with pressurised c02 injection simultaneously after originally using the full range of EasyLife products which were absolutely useless. They were useless because there were no guidelines on how much to dose and the chelating agent in their iron products isn't compatible with hard water; something which they omit to mention on the bottle.

Once I started dosing EI nutrients (bought from Fluid Sensor Online) there was an immediate growth spurt in all of my plants but within a matter of weeks (when the growth spurt stopped), algae started making use of the nutrients; algae such as blue-green algae and green-spot algae formed and it was a very frustrating nuisance to get rid of.

I soon found out that it wasn't the new nutrients causing the algae, but a lack of water circulation in the tank, which I've remedied by installing 2 powerheads and 1 extra powerful internal filter. The result is that the nutrients gets transported to all of the plants well but I still have to deal with green hair algae, green spot algae, black beard algae and green dust algae, sometimes I need to deal with them all simultaneously.

So the good points of using the EI dosing method are:

1. It's more structured.
2. You are informed, in most cases, how much you need to dose on a daily basis in relation to your tank capacity.
3. Because you are aware of how much nitrate you are dosing (which you would not if you relied on EasyLife products) you can avoid tricky to remove algaes like blue-green algae which are caused by low-nitrate.
4. The micro-nutrients mixtures used in EI dosing usually tell you what iron chelate is being used so you can avoid wasting your money on mixtures with chelating agents which will not preserve the iron long enough in hard water.

Bad points:

1. You are more likely to have to cope with different kinds of algae (hair algae, spot algae etc).
2. More trimming will be involved due to thriving plants or to cut off bits of plants that have succumb to the algae in brackets above.
3. It is usually hard to transport the nutrients and c02 around the tank unless you have a good filter system and some powerheads. Some people like myself didn't purchase a tank primed for good circulation.

Fingers crossed it will work and not effect my discus also

The chemicals involved in EI dosing seem to be totally harmless if you are using potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate for your macro-nutrients and a standard EDTA or HEEDTA chelate trace mix. I personally only avoid TPN+ since they put ammonium into their product which will change into ammonia as the temperature and PH increases (according to chemistry articles; do a Google search).
:rolleyes: 'Millions' was a bit of Sarcasm there Mark.

As for Easylife products, you cannot say they are useless. I see no algae in my tank and i'm using them. The guidelines are simple enough to follow. You just need to adjust accordingly. Its the same for EI, you may need to adjust accordingly as they are just guidlines, a guide, not set in stone. Each system is different. As for the Fe, it works fine in my tank, and i have the second? hardest water in England!
Bad points:
1. You are more likely to have to cope with different kinds of algae (hair algae, spot algae etc).

Erm, why?
Btw, hair algae is CO2 related. Green spot algae can also be attributed to low CO2.
EI is nice for bigger tanks that have heavier nutrient requirements and where just dosing with a liquid fert is no longer cost-effective. Frankly, for nano systems I don't see the point of the extra effort to make your own fert mixes and such. I'm just way too lazy and get the same results with TPN+. But, I did use it in my first two scapes way back when I started with planted tanks. It was nice. Good growth. Pretty easy regimen to follow.

So Ian is a guru now, huh? Wonder what that make me... :lol:
ps i'm in now way shape or form a Guru. If i was i'd have a massive grey beard.
So Ian is a guru now, huh? Wonder what that make me... :lol:

Grand Master of plant keeping ha :lol:

I'm very far from that, I'm afraid... PS: Simon, in case you haven't figured it out, I'm a girl, so Mistress rather than Master.

So Ian, guru status means long grey beards? Ah, so now I know what all those proclaimed "plant gurus" look like. Nope, I don't have the necessary equipment. Neither does Ian.

I think we'll learn to deal. :lol:


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