Established Tank. Big Problems

your power head filter would make a massive difference wouldnt it. i could put the whole foam insert into the 205 and seed the filter in less than 2 weeks.
To be honest, I think at the moment, its best just running the 205 with the seeded stuff in it. Remove the zeolite, and just keep an eye on the levels.

I say this because...

It goes Ammonia --> Nitrite --> Nitrate.

If you have nitrite in your water, then there is some breakdown of the ammonia... Which is good, as it means the bacteria (1st stage - Ammonia --> Nitrite) is working.

As soon as you have nitrite in the water, the bacteria (2nd stage - Nitrite --> Nitrate) that break that down will be cracking on with that job, and mulitplying too. So, you are doing well! Just make sure the zeolite is gone, so the 1st stage has something to break down, and also to keep the second stage in Nitrite.

When you have a stable tank, water changes are used to dilute the Nitrate as there are no filter bacteria to break this down.

There are other ways to reduce nitrate in the water, but for now, weekly small water changes should be enough in your situation.
ill remove the zeolite and replace it with some new noodles.
as an update.

the ammonia is leveling off and in 24hrs it usually stays at less than 0.25ppm so i change 40-50percent water each evening

i'm now showing low level of 0.1ppm nitrite so at least the ammo bugs are working nicely.

So far ive been doing 50percent water changes every other day and the ammo is slowly decreasing so today i checked the amm level 24hrs aftwer a change of water and its at zero.
nitrite is less than 0.1mg/l as just slightly pink.

Ive lost one male congo tetra and so far all the other fish seem ok but the angel is looking a bit fin nipped but cant find the culprit

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