Established Tank. Big Problems


Fish Fanatic
Jan 12, 2010
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sorry for the cross posting on emergency forum but i wanted a wider audiance for advice

i knew NOTHING about fish until tues and have done many hrs of reading

an elderly lady neighbor went into hospital last week and tues i saw her son and was helping him move a few things and i spotted a algea covered tank.

the 205 external wasnt running becuse the electric is on a pre payment meter and it turns out the power has been off for 6 days.

ive reheated the water to 23 deg and now changed half the water and ammo is at 0.50 ppm and nitrite is high. used declorinator etc

do i change another 50percent today and every daybut in the long term i need to get the media back up to speed so i presume the best way is to get mature media from somewhere (im in chichester)

have tried all 3 of local maidhead shops and all wont help with mature media

ive cleaned the glass and cleaned the gravel with a syphon when i change the water.
the fish are 6 small kutubu rainbows
4 adult bronze corys
2 congo tetra smallish
Yes, you are in a fish-in cycle, and you need to keep doing water changes so that the ammonia and nitrite levels do not exceed that of .25 ppm.

So, more water changes are in order.

And yes, the best thing to do is to try to get a hold of some MM (mature media)

Here, have a look here:

You've stumbled into the right place.

i have just looked at the link thanks.

of the 5 people nearish to me only one has a current active account so hopefully they will get back with some media.
so it looks like i still check daily for ammo and nitrite and do 30 percent water changes ?
You do water changes accordingly with respect to how high your ammonia and/or nitrite levels are.

This means you could be doing up to 90% water changes.

Remember a 50% water change cut the reading in half, and so forth.

sorry for the cross posting on emergency forum but i wanted a wider audiance for advice

i knew NOTHING about fish until tues and have done many hrs of reading

an elderly lady neighbor went into hospital last week and tues i saw her son and was helping him move a few things and i spotted a algea covered tank.

the 205 external wasnt running becuse the electric is on a pre payment meter and it turns out the power has been off for 6 days.

ive reheated the water to 23 deg and now changed half the water and ammo is at 0.50 ppm and nitrite is high. used declorinator etc

do i change another 50percent today and every daybut in the long term i need to get the media back up to speed so i presume the best way is to get mature media from somewhere (im in chichester)

have tried all 3 of local maidhead shops and all wont help with mature media

ive cleaned the glass and cleaned the gravel with a syphon when i change the water.
the fish are 6 small kutubu rainbows
4 adult bronze corys
2 congo tetra smallish

Just wanted to say it's really good of you to try and save the fish, and good luck. It sounds like you're doing all the right things so far, and people on here can give you lots of advice. You might find yourself wanting your own tank at the end of it...
i spoke to the son earlier and he doesnt think his mum will be able to go back to her house after hospital and he asked if i would take the tank and fish and keep them.
the tank is a rio125 ltr and a 205 fluval pump.
i moved the tank into my lounge so i can do water changes and keep an eye out for any problems
good luck with it and good on you, well done i hope the fish see you right.... :good:

keep us updated with any progress or if you have any questions.
im hoping the only prob ive got at the moment is getting some mature media.
i dont mind going upto 50miles to get some
You sir, are a star. Massive kudos for taking this project on. The fish really need you now!

I think you need to expect to lose some of them. They've been through a bit of an ordeal! Hopefully you won't, though.

Test the water everyday and do what you need to do to get the levels to zero on ammonia and nitrite. Any detectable level will damage them.

If you can get mature media, great! Otherwise, the process will take longer (maybe a month or so) but it should all come together in the end. Keep the fish safe with water changes and you could be OK.

Good luck!
Well done for taking this on :good: Try phoning round some independent fish shops, they may be more inclined to give you media.
its a bit daunting but ive learned a lot since tuesday.
i was a bit surprised that the 3 lcal maidenheads wouldnt help.

ive even been on ebay to see if there are any mature filters for sale but no luck.

will test and water change later.
good job im working from home this week and next
There's none on eBay because by the time it's posted to you the bacteria in the media will be dead.
Well done. I think it's great that your trying to save the fish and good luck.
I had a quick look for other fish shops in your area, and found this that could be of help

I know maidenhead on the outskirts of Havant/Emsworth are a good place, but they dont seem to carry anything like the media that could help, but they will test the water and give you as much advice as they can, they have always been helpful for me

Good luck with what your doing, im in the middle of sorting a plec that I get recently that was kept in bad conditions...Its hard work to a certain degree, but well worth it if you can give them a good life
I've been keeping an eye on this topic and cannot believe how dedicated you are.
The absolute best of luck to you!
Please keep us updated, we'd love to keep hearing your tales of adventure!
Ive just found out that i need to go away from next wednesday for about 5 days and theres no way the wife will be able to change 60 ltrs of water a day so am a little stuck. I might ask a nieghbours son to help out with water changes with my wife supervising.

phoned a few lfs today and no help with the media.

its a bit shortsighted of them i think as i love these fish and once the filter is cycled i will get a rio400 i saw and add other fish over time and of course another larger filter and now i wont be using the shops who cant be bothered to help out a newcomer to the hobby.

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