Essay on bettas.

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Fish Addict
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Mar 19, 2021
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Bremerton, Washington
I finished my argumentive essay on betta fish in bowls today and I'm contemplating whether or not to post it. I don't want to ruffle any feathers, or wait, umm pinecone any scales. I'm not finished typing my bibliography quite yet but I'm working on it. Does anyone want to read it? or should I keep it to myself? and for the moderators, I wasn't too sure where to put this thread so feel free to move in necessary.
I finished my argumentive essay on betta fish in bowls today and I'm contemplating whether or not to post it. I don't want to ruffle any feathers, or wait, umm pinecone any scales. I'm not finished typing my bibliography quite yet but I'm working on it. Does anyone want to read it? or should I keep it to myself? and for the moderators, I wasn't too sure where to put this thread so feel free to move in necessary.
i’d love to read it!
Ever see those intriguing little fish in those tiny cups? Well, it’s not what it seems. The fish are recognized as the Siamese Fighting Fish, or most commonly referred to as the Betta fish. People say these fish are optimal in small bowls. I disagree to the utmost extent. These fish are very intelligent and can even acknowledge your presence. Many people believe that these fish live in dirty shallow water, and LIKE it. That’s just wrong. And just like any fish, bettas need space to swim. Another myth is that betta fish are quite lazy, also not true. The main reason bettas tend to be lazy is poor water quality, lack of enrichment, or most commonly stress. Betta fish become active when in optimal conditions. And to be honest, putting any fish in a bowl isn’t natural and will most likely ensure a slow and or painful death.

Keeping a graceful fish in a bowl is a terrible and extremely unnatural act. It's true that you can find bettas in shallow and dirty water, but this fact only happens substantially during the dry season. I'm sure we all know that thrive and tolerate are very different words. Various organizations such as PETA and RSPCA State “all fish including Siamese fighting fish need a space to swim freely and exercise”(RSPCA) If betas do not exercise, they will likely become bloated or lethargic. On top of that, immune systems will degrade and cause infections and diseases that can lead to death, but more on that later. People have been lured into the fishbowl thinking these fish are decorations. “betas are not decorations and should never be forced to live in a Barren little bowl”(PETA) Think about locking yourself in a closet with no space and food rotting nearby only to worsen the air quality. It's a perverted life, right? Wouldn't that be a bettas life when used as decor?

Like all fish and living organisms, bettas need exercise, and guess how fish get exercise, swimming. “they should ideally be in a 5-gallon tank or larger having an environment of this size allows the Betta fish to exhibit natural activity”(Mueller, Beth) This is entirely true. Wild splendens are active during the day(Males) building nests and defending their territory. Like I said earlier ''all fish including bettas need ample space to swim…”(RSPCA) The bettas that are most commonly available are the veil tail and the double tail caudal fin types. Both of which are extremely in bread and or sickly from the spawn. So, people buy the cheap $2-$5 fish and expect an easy job. But you're just setting yourself up for failure.

Honestly, people have no right telling us what animals like. A largely believed myth is that these fish like dirty water and small spaces. This misconception is infuriating, it's sad that once a group of people have an idea that makes a hobby easier no matter the good or bad it is very hard to undo or erase that idea. The dirty water myth is disproved in many different ways. “the water would become rapidly toxic as the… ammonia accumulates from the fish's waste” (RSPCA) Ammonia is harmful to living life, especially if you had to live it in your entire life, most fish bowls have no filter, bubbler, or a large surface area for oxygen exchange. Which leads to very low oxygenation. “bettas are known to die due to the lack of oxygen in smaller fish bowls.”(betta fish care guide) It is very important to keep the water oxygenated and make sure of a slow water flow as betta fish do not like being sloshed around in their tanks. Some will also argue that fishbowls don't need a heater or filter. It is true that fish can live without a filter of any sort, but an air stone should be necessary to ensure oxygenation and a healthy fish. And as far as heaters go, unless you live in a climate that is warm year-round a heater is a must. Betta fish are tropical and thrive in water from 72 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Which is very difficult to maintain with no water flow and the ideal setup for a betta fish should mimic its natural habitat. “bettas need filtration, warm water, enrichment like plants and caves to explore, regular feeding, and tank cleaning. many fish tanks that you can buy easily, including a bowl in a stuffed animal (yep, it’s real), are nowhere near the appropriate size.”(Nat Geo). It’s really a shame that we humans won't even listen to credible sources these days. Instead, they listen to a PetSmart or Petco* employee that painstakingly tells you fish bowls are okay. but I have noticed that the high price of a 1-gallon tank** makes complete sense, they're about the same price or more expensive than a simple, lidless glass 5-gallon aquarium***. I hypothesize that the fishbowl battle has been taken into account by many chain retailers.

Your job begins now by, signing petitions, boycotting systems, turning heads, and standing up for what's right. The fishbowl controversy will never perish. We’ve had this perverted idea jammed into our brains with ads, movies, and various media sources. It’s astonishing what Domestication can do to a single species over 1000 years. Hopefully, your head is turned away from the bowl but in the direction of betta fish. They are truly great companions. And after all, those little fish in those barren cups do deserve better.

*Petco raised the tank size on their care sheet.

Your betta needs more than a bowl. Veterinary Medicine at Illinois. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2022, from thing to consider,should not live in bowls.
A vet’s perspective on betta fish and fishbowls. Conclusion: bettas shouldn’t live in them.

“they should ideally be in a 5-gallon tank or larger having an environment of this size allows the betta fish to exhibit natural activity”

Limited-edition 'betta fish deserve better' stickers! PETA. (2021, April 6). Retrieved April 21, 2022, from
Betas in Petco are treated like ornaments. We made limited stickers for purchase now!
(trust me, it holds good info not junk)

“betas are not decorations and should never be forced to live in a Barren little bowl”

RSPCA KNOWLEDGEBASE. RSPCA Knowledgebase. (2018, November 9). Retrieved April 21, 2022, from
Bettas are fantastical creatures with pretty colors. But They are often mistreated and suffer in tiny bowls.
“all fish including Siamese fighting fish require a space to swim freely and exercise”

“The water would become rapidly toxic as the… ammonia accumulates from the fishes waste”

“all fish including bettas need ample space to swim…”

Can you keep betta fish in a bowl? (Complete Guide). Betta Care Fish Guide. (2022, February 2). Retrieved April 21, 2022, from cannot thrive in the,the top of the fishbowl.

Betta fish are unique creatures that deserve a good tank. Many fish bowls are terrible and are harmful in ways no one knew.

“Bettas are known to die due to the lack of oxygen in smaller fish bowls.

Hugo, K. (2021, May 4). Betta fish often mistreated in the pet industry, campaign claims. Animals. Retrieved April 21, 2022, from

“bettas need filtration, warm water, enrichment like plants and caves to explore, regular feeding, and tank cleaning. many fish tanks that you can buy easily, including a bowl in a stuffed animal, are nowhere near the appropriate size.”
Man you were not joking about it being argumentative 😅...
Very good write up! I enjoyed reading it. There are a few simple spelling errors but otherwise very good. Will this be submitted to a teacher or was this just a side project??
@DragonScales+Doubletails A very good piece, well done. As you are handing this in to be marked (graded?) I’ll just say that you haven’t used a capital B every time you’ve written Betta. I’d hate you to lose marks for that.

It‘s a good, lively read, let us know what your teacher thinks of it!
This is a good piece. Just for the purists out there, how are the breeders of these fish meant to handle the hundreds of males if they don't keep them in one gallon or smaller containers. I have said for a long time that Bettas should be banned, Full stop.
Ever see those intriguing little fish in those tiny cups? Well, it’s not what it seems. The fish are recognized as the Siamese Fighting Fish, or most commonly referred to as the Betta fish. People say these fish are optimal in small bowls. I disagree to the utmost extent. These fish are very intelligent and can even acknowledge your presence. Many people believe that these fish live in dirty shallow water, and LIKE it. That’s just wrong. And just like any fish, bettas need space to swim. Another myth is that betta fish are quite lazy, also not true. The main reason bettas tend to be lazy is poor water quality, lack of enrichment, or most commonly stress. Betta fish become active when in optimal conditions. And to be honest, putting any fish in a bowl isn’t natural and will most likely ensure a slow and or painful death.

Keeping a graceful fish in a bowl is a terrible and extremely unnatural act. It's true that you can find bettas in shallow and dirty water, but this fact only happens substantially during the dry season. I'm sure we all know that thrive and tolerate are very different words. Various organizations such as PETA and RSPCA State “all fish including Siamese fighting fish need a space to swim freely and exercise”(RSPCA) If betas do not exercise, they will likely become bloated or lethargic. On top of that, immune systems will degrade and cause infections and diseases that can lead to death, but more on that later. People have been lured into the fishbowl thinking these fish are decorations. “betas are not decorations and should never be forced to live in a Barren little bowl”(PETA) Think about locking yourself in a closet with no space and food rotting nearby only to worsen the air quality. It's a perverted life, right? Wouldn't that be a bettas life when used as decor?

Like all fish and living organisms, bettas need exercise, and guess how fish get exercise, swimming. “they should ideally be in a 5-gallon tank or larger having an environment of this size allows the Betta fish to exhibit natural activity”(Mueller, Beth) This is entirely true. Wild splendens are active during the day(Males) building nests and defending their territory. Like I said earlier ''all fish including bettas need ample space to swim…”(RSPCA) The bettas that are most commonly available are the veil tail and the double tail caudal fin types. Both of which are extremely in bread and or sickly from the spawn. So, people buy the cheap $2-$5 fish and expect an easy job. But you're just setting yourself up for failure.

Honestly, people have no right telling us what animals like. A largely believed myth is that these fish like dirty water and small spaces. This misconception is infuriating, it's sad that once a group of people have an idea that makes a hobby easier no matter the good or bad it is very hard to undo or erase that idea. The dirty water myth is disproved in many different ways. “the water would become rapidly toxic as the… ammonia accumulates from the fish's waste” (RSPCA) Ammonia is harmful to living life, especially if you had to live it in your entire life, most fish bowls have no filter, bubbler, or a large surface area for oxygen exchange. Which leads to very low oxygenation. “bettas are known to die due to the lack of oxygen in smaller fish bowls.”(betta fish care guide) It is very important to keep the water oxygenated and make sure of a slow water flow as betta fish do not like being sloshed around in their tanks. Some will also argue that fishbowls don't need a heater or filter. It is true that fish can live without a filter of any sort, but an air stone should be necessary to ensure oxygenation and a healthy fish. And as far as heaters go, unless you live in a climate that is warm year-round a heater is a must. Betta fish are tropical and thrive in water from 72 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Which is very difficult to maintain with no water flow and the ideal setup for a betta fish should mimic its natural habitat. “bettas need filtration, warm water, enrichment like plants and caves to explore, regular feeding, and tank cleaning. many fish tanks that you can buy easily, including a bowl in a stuffed animal (yep, it’s real), are nowhere near the appropriate size.”(Nat Geo). It’s really a shame that we humans won't even listen to credible sources these days. Instead, they listen to a PetSmart or Petco* employee that painstakingly tells you fish bowls are okay. but I have noticed that the high price of a 1-gallon tank** makes complete sense, they're about the same price or more expensive than a simple, lidless glass 5-gallon aquarium***. I hypothesize that the fishbowl battle has been taken into account by many chain retailers.

Your job begins now by, signing petitions, boycotting systems, turning heads, and standing up for what's right. The fishbowl controversy will never perish. We’ve had this perverted idea jammed into our brains with ads, movies, and various media sources. It’s astonishing what Domestication can do to a single species over 1000 years. Hopefully, your head is turned away from the bowl but in the direction of betta fish. They are truly great companions. And after all, those little fish in those barren cups do deserve better.

*Petco raised the tank size on their care sheet.

Your betta needs more than a bowl. Veterinary Medicine at Illinois. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2022, from first thing to consider,should not live in bowls.
A vet’s perspective on betta fish and fishbowls. Conclusion: bettas shouldn’t live in them.

“they should ideally be in a 5-gallon tank or larger having an environment of this size allows the betta fish to exhibit natural activity”

Limited-edition 'betta fish deserve better' stickers! PETA. (2021, April 6). Retrieved April 21, 2022, from
Betas in Petco are treated like ornaments. We made limited stickers for purchase now!
(trust me, it holds good info not junk)

“betas are not decorations and should never be forced to live in a Barren little bowl”

RSPCA KNOWLEDGEBASE. RSPCA Knowledgebase. (2018, November 9). Retrieved April 21, 2022, from
Bettas are fantastical creatures with pretty colors. But They are often mistreated and suffer in tiny bowls.
“all fish including Siamese fighting fish require a space to swim freely and exercise”

“The water would become rapidly toxic as the… ammonia accumulates from the fishes waste”

“all fish including bettas need ample space to swim…”

Can you keep betta fish in a bowl? (Complete Guide). Betta Care Fish Guide. (2022, February 2). Retrieved April 21, 2022, from cannot thrive in the,the top of the fishbowl.

Betta fish are unique creatures that deserve a good tank. Many fish bowls are terrible and are harmful in ways no one knew.

“Bettas are known to die due to the lack of oxygen in smaller fish bowls.

Hugo, K. (2021, May 4). Betta fish often mistreated in the pet industry, campaign claims. Animals. Retrieved April 21, 2022, from

“bettas need filtration, warm water, enrichment like plants and caves to explore, regular feeding, and tank cleaning. many fish tanks that you can buy easily, including a bowl in a stuffed animal, are nowhere near the appropriate size.”
agree completely!! great detail and explanations, the only thing I would recommend is to not quote PETA because of the organizations controversies which, regardless of your opinion on them, might reflect badly on the paper itself. awesome essay!

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