Erm, I've Changed My Mind.

with spokes and spikes and floaty bits, no, this guy looked pretty much like a turd with a head, he was way cool.

I'm thinking sea hare too, but the "floaty bits"....not quite sure what that means.... :lol:

I think it probably is a sea hare. I have one also and if they get unwell or injure themselves they sometimes produce little wisps/strands of mucus(?). as far as im aware its nothing to worry about.
...he was more sort of like this:


....but not quite as turd-like as this:


I expect it's mother loved it.

But I will get a picture and you can all tell me what he *really* is - and if the lfs got it right or not.
:( I went, and took the camera - but he'd gone :(

Ah well, it was never meant to be, though it was fun talking about, and thinking about, getting him.

Thanks for having me for my brief visit!

Sue xxxx
I didn't actually ask him, the day I first went, the shop had been open for about 2 days, when we went yesterday, there seemed to be quite a few floating fish and the tanks felt a bit cold - I am going to give it a month or more before going back to see if things get better.

It may be that he doesn't know a whole lot about fish but decided to open a store, in which case he'd probably not be much help to me. I don't know. I'm going to leave it a while and see how it goes.
Hmmmm.... turd with a head..................

Sounds like a sea bunny

LOL! Yes it does :lol: those guys are great. They eat any kind of macro you put in front of them and also love to eat Nori and other prepared seaweeds. Not picky guys at all, although they do eat A LOT compared to other inverts.

EDIT: forgot to mention I was assuming this went with the first pic of the Dolabella species...didn't see the other pics until I posted.

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