Endlers In London


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
London - UK
Im having a lot of difficulty finding endlers in london, north, anyone know anywhere that stocks them?

Any help is much appreciated.

Are you after any particular type of Endlers? Have you tried Maidenhead Aquatics or Wildwoods in Crews Hill? I often see some in Maidenhead Aquatics but not sure the type.
no a sepcific type is of no bother as long as theyre not hybrids and are pure endlers.

I havnt seen any at wildwoods, havnt chekced maidenhead though.
This is my reply to another person asking about them:

There are quite often some really lovely ones on eBay. And if you really want pure strains, I suggest you look for ones from the Adrian H lines (he's a big breeder in the USA and some of his lines are available over here) - and I see some of his fish quite regularly on eBay from reputable sellers. So you'll be sure to get what you want. You can also check out Endlers R Us that Adrian himself sometimes frequents. Where you will also be able to speak to other Endler keepers.

But if you're not fussed, 99% of the endlers you get in fish shops are actually not pure strain - and mixed somewhere along the lines with guppies. Not that they are any less "pretty", but they're just not pure Poecilia wingei.
no a sepcific type is of no bother as long as theyre not hybrids and are pure endlers.

I havnt seen any at wildwoods, havnt chekced maidenhead though.

Haven't been to Maidenhead for a while but most times I went they had endlers (usually near the mollies). They sell them in pairs so I guess they are pure strain ones. You can give them a call to check first.

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