Emperor Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2006
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Anyone had any experience with Emperor tetras there doesn't seem to be too much about them on this site?
Anyone had any experience with Emperor tetras there doesn't seem to be too much about them on this site?

What type of Emperor Tetras are you after?

'Emperor Tetra' seems to be a common name given to a few similar looking species of tetra. For example there are Blue Emperors Tetras or Kerri Tetras inpaichthys kerri [have a google of the latin name lovely lovely fish] or there is Nematobrycon palmeri, usually just called the Emperor Tetra, which all together different but still very nice looking. Nearly got some today in fact but I really would prefer inpaichthys kerri so I have those on order with the lfs. Sometimes you find people get the 2 confused though I'm not sure how!
The one is was looking at is Nematobrycon palmeri
The one is was looking at is Nematobrycon palmeri

nice looking fish. not kept them personally but a quick google should throw up plenty of info, I've only really researched i.kerri . Had a good look at them today at my LFS, they are really quite striking. The little info I do have is they grow a bit bigger [8cm I saw on 1 site] and they prefer a mature aquarium. I don't think they are terribly demanding with regards to water composition if you do havea mature tank and I understand they prefer a planted tank. A dark substrate will show the colouration better. Other than that, I'm not sure. Worth looking into though, if you're interested in keeping something a little different.

Sorry can't be of any more help
Mainly I just want to know how compatible they will be with Pearl Gouramis.
I looked up both Nematobrycon palmeri and Trichogaster leeri (Pearl gourami) in several sources and all indicate that both fish are rather peaceful. I've kept both species but never together, which now that I think of it, it seems a nice combination in theory. They were both great fish. The only words of caution I would give is to watch Pearls gouramis, two males kept together can fight.

It would be an interesting combination. Both species like well-planted tanks with a dark substrate. The color contrast alone would be worth keeping them together. Fascinating choice really. Unusual.

Good luck to you whatever you decide.

llj :)
Think I will give it a shot, just need to figure out what type of catfish/plec would be suitable?
I have emperor Tetras (palmeri). Can't say much. They don't seem aggressive. They pair up, which isn't common among the other Tetras I have. I have never kept pearl gouramis.

One thing I notice is that they tend to stay in the top half of the tank. It could be because there are many schools of smaller Tetras in the community, and so they have more elbow room there. They like the floating plants which also the dwarf gouramis I had liked. All my dwarf gouramis have disappeared or died. So the emperors have them to themselves now.

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