I just wanted to let those who knew what was wrong with little Emma that she didnt make it and she had to be put down. She had no white blood cells and her gums were all white, and she just went down hill. If she was at the 24 hour care just two days ago she would have been fine nad probably able to come home today as she was doing alot better.
Even though I only had her for a few days I will never forget her. She was such a sweet kitten, perfect match, she fit in so well, and all the cute things she did. She made us all happy after a few hard years with my grandma going to docters for a whole 2 years after not feeling good and nothing helping, not even the stupid cancer doctor who couldnt even get what type of cancer she had, then after she died my uncle got skin canvcer, that supposedly was all cleared up, then my aunt got into a car accident some dumb kids went through a red light, she had to stay with us foir 3 months and after almost a year she still needs surgerys to fix her up, then my uncle gets the cancer back, and its not good to get it back especially where its located. Then when we get this little kitten it was great, just to end up the same weay that verything else has.
Even though I only had her for a few days I will never forget her. She was such a sweet kitten, perfect match, she fit in so well, and all the cute things she did. She made us all happy after a few hard years with my grandma going to docters for a whole 2 years after not feeling good and nothing helping, not even the stupid cancer doctor who couldnt even get what type of cancer she had, then after she died my uncle got skin canvcer, that supposedly was all cleared up, then my aunt got into a car accident some dumb kids went through a red light, she had to stay with us foir 3 months and after almost a year she still needs surgerys to fix her up, then my uncle gets the cancer back, and its not good to get it back especially where its located. Then when we get this little kitten it was great, just to end up the same weay that verything else has.