

Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2007
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hi evry1 i went to the fish store today an the fish man put a baby white from in the bag an sed he took it out as i didnt want it but he never took it out an now i have it with my blackmoor an oranda there all gettin on great but how the hell do i look after it and what dose it eat its small whitem really active an wont eat goldfish flakes plz help as i will have 2 get it food in a few days it will b in a 170 litter tank an will be goin in 2night plz help. thanks many regards mandy will try get pics soon thanks an merry xmas (btw dont no what topic this is mean 2 B)
I have no idea what that says, can you try reposting with improved spelling and gramma?
hi evry1 i went to the fish store today an the fish man put a baby white frog in the bag an sed he took it out as i didnt want it but he never took it out an now i have the frog with my blackmoor an oranda there all gettin on great but how the hell do i look after the frog and what dose the frog eat. The frogs small white and really active an my frog wont eat goldfish flakes plz help as i will have 2 get it food in a few days it will b in a 170 litter tank an will be goin in 2night plz help. thanks many regards mandy will try get pics soon thanks an merry xmas (btw dont no what topic this is meat 2 b in)
from what i can read he gave you a fish you didnt want. why accept it then, its not your responsability if he randomly gives you it. im no expert on frogs but i know some will eat bloodworms.
i no its not my responsibility but me an my sis have fell in love an i am not givin it back loli just need 2 no what 2 feed it an stuff like that
Just an idea bub...Trying using correct grammar and spelling. You're not accomplishing anything by posting such horribly written things. It doesn't take but a few extra seconds to type out something correctly. I'm not trying to bash you or anything but...just because you might be able to understand what you're writing, others may not. So try to use proper form when you're posting things. You don't have to be 100% formal, but a little bit of cohesiveness would help others in helping you. :)

But..from what I can gather...The man at the shop got you the wrong animal out? And you took it? You shouldn't have accepted it. Even if he refused to put it back, you could have just left. Just because some-one is unwilling to put an animal back does not mean you should take it because of that reason.
i no its not my responsibility but me an my sis have fell in love an i am not givin it back loli just need 2 no what 2 feed it an stuff like that

Most frogs commonly available in the trade are tropical veriaties, therefore not an ideal mix with you goldfish I'm afraid. They will tank most meety frozen foods, but bloodwork is a firm favorite. Idealy, you should look at getting a seporate heated tank for him/her, with appropriate heating and filtration :good: Do you know the exact type? If not, can you post a pic, so that we can ID him/her and recomend an approriate sized tank + other requirements.

All the best
Rabbut already stated it eats bloodworms and most meaty foods including beefheart and as already mentioned frogs are tropical, goldies aren't so you shouldn't mix the two. I'd recommend you get the frog his own tank, around 10 gallons as I'm guessing it's an african clawed frog(which will eat most small fish btw so don't add any small fish into it's tank), They also like company so if you really want to keep it happy you will need at bare minimum a 15 gallon tank, filter, heater, bloodworms or other appropriate food and another frog. I think it would be best if you just took it back to the shop when it's open again unless you can provide all of the above.
i think tthe man said it was a taod is there anything else than bloodworms as i hear there bad 4 digestion
Are the front feet of your froggy webbed? if they aren't then you probubly have an African clawed frog. He should grow to be about five or six inches long. There are frog foods that you can buy at your pet shop, or you can feed him blood worms, freez dried, live, or frozen. The freez dried ones might end up clogging his system. As he grows he will eat anything that moves and fits in his mouth, so he should be housed alone or with another clawed frog that is his same size. He should also have a minimum of ten gallons to himself. If his feat are webbed than you probbubly have an African Dwarf frog. These guys look similar to young Clawed frogs. They will get to be about one and a half or two inches long. They will eat the same things as Clawed frogs. They can be cept with other tropical fish and stuff, but not anything small enough to fit in it's mouth, it might try to eat it. You probubly have a Clawed frog because Dwarf frogs are rearly white, or albino. All of my info comes from www.allaboutfrogs.org . It's a cool site you should check it out. I haven't heard of a completely aquatic toad, I think it's a frog. Good luck with your froggy :nod: , I've had Dwarf frogs and they're fun. Both are tropical frogs an should be cept at a temperature between 70 and 80 degreas, wether this requires a heater or not. I didn't use one and my frogs did pretty well.
Oh, and merry Christmas to you too!!!
i think tthe man said it was a taod is there anything else than bloodworms as i hear there bad 4 digestion
Firstly, I'm curious if your gonna get him his own tank. If not, I don't think you should be keeping him. Secondly, I am no expert, but I strongly doubt its a toad. Lastly, I don't think you should go back to that shop EVER AGAIN.
I have no idea what that says, can you try reposting with improved spelling and grammar?

*blacksnapemoor*: Next time you post..before you click the submit new topic or add reply button, Click the ABC button it will take you to a link where you can download internet explorer spell check. follow the instructions an install it on your computer, Then after its installed every time you post click the ABC button and it will spell check for you making your posts more legible

If you are not able to download the IE spell check through the forum let me know via e-mail and i may be able to send you the file to install manually.
he should of never of gave it you and i wouldnt use that pet shop again but when i got one by mistake when i chosse a plant for my tank it surived for a few days on cold water but then i moved it to a heated tank on its own now i have 10 frogs in a 150l tank (could i keep any more)


danio master :good:

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