Emergency -- Ich In Tank With Cories!


Fish Crazy
Jan 5, 2012
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I have salt, but I've received mixed messages about using salt with cories. I used Super Ick Cure from API in the past with great results, but now that I have Cories, I can't use it at full strength, so I'm not sure how it will work. How am I supposed to treat this? BTW, I already raised the temp a bit. HELP!
I tried interpet treatment with my loaches but it wasnt good enough. I then tried esha exit and it was all clear in 4 days. Carried on treating 7 days later too.
Oh sorry i wasnt aware you were in the US. You maybe able to get it online? Or someone else may advise you on another product
If I get ick with my cories I just do the heat and salt treatment, they can easily handle a small amount of salt. I bring the temp to 86F and add 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. My cories have never been negativly effected at this salinity level for short periods of time, salt seems a lot less harsh then chemicals, however in my experiance anything over 1tbsp per 5gallons is pushing it and can irritate them. I would do this for a week max, and if I had little or no improvments I would attempt a chemical treatment. The salt method has always worked for me, and the cories.
I would SO much rather use salt, but was afraid to harm my cories. I already started using 1/2 a dose of the API Super Ick Cure last night and this morning all the fish, including the cories, seemed to be doing better--everyone's eating and the white spots are no worse. Since I already started with this treatment, I'll continue the course of treatement as long as they continue to improve and the cories don't seem to be bothered by it. Worse case, I'll switch to the salt method you suggested. If this happens again though, I'm DEFINITELY using the salt method instead of meds!
I'm sure that will do the job just fine, and good call, its probably a lot better to stick with that medication instead of switching right away and stressing the fish. best of luck!
UPDATE. Looks like the medicine didn't get rid of all ich, since the neons have white spots on them and most of the fish seem to be flashing. UGH!! :shout:

So, I'm going to try the salt treatment with the higher temp. BUT, will salt harm the plants in my tank at the recommended level? :unsure:
what plants do you have?, my plants have always been able to go up to 2tablespoons per 5 gallons for short periods of time (without any scaleless fish in the tank) and they have never seemed to get affected, although I only have Moss balls and a #105###load of java ferns which seem to be pretty hardy plants. Im sure your plants will be fine at 1tbsp per 5gallons Just make sure you get the temp to a stable 86F as 1tbsp in my opinion is the bare minimum amount of salt for an ich treatment but mixed with a constant tempature that stops their reproduction is the killer.
I have a very large amazon sword, some other, smaller swords, crypts (long curly-type & smaller red), micro sword, pennywart, and a couple others that I can't remember the name of, but they are both red leaved and one of them is pretty delicate.

I dosed my tank the 1 TBS per 5 gallon and set the thermometer at 86, but it's actually at 88 right now because of the hot weather here. The fish seem fine, so I'm not too concerned.

I was thinking of doing daily or every other day water changes and am going to monitor how my plants are doing. The cories seem fine, so that's a relief. Depending on how my plants do with the salt, I'll continue adding salt to the water I add when doing the water changes, but if I notice that they are starting to wilt, I'll do the water changes without adding salt.

Have you ever treated Ick with just the high temp? I heard that Ich can be irradicated that way too.
Keep up what your doing,as long as no one seems stressed 88F should be fine, I just wouldnt let it get any higher then that and try to keep it a bit closer to a stable 86, other then that I wouldnt do it differently myself. water change every day to every other day is perfect, and yes I have successfully treated ich with just heat although always notice a second infection a week to a couple weeks later, the salt seems to just make sure you dont leave behind any stragglers.
Well, I noticed that my most fragile plant was losing leaves and my Amazon (favorite plant that is my centerpiece) was starting to wilt and turn brown on the tips, so I decided to go another route. I did an almost 50% water change and added Ich Attack, an all-natural herbal medication that is safe for all aquariums and fish/inverts. Supposedly, it's effective in treating Ich and other parasites/fungus, and from my research, the reviews are pretty good.

I think the salt and heat method would have really helped take care of the ick, but just didn't want to start all over again with the plants--especially since it took me forever to reduce the number of snails in my tank and get that Amazon sword so full and tall.

Thanks for all your help! It is greately appreciated! Keeping my fingers crossed that I finally found something that's harmless to my fish and plants, but will take care of the Ick. :look:

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