Ellies 2Nd Tank!

Malex530 said:
Looking good! Love how it turned out.
Thanks Malex!
LyraGuppi said:
Looks nice!
Thanks ya :p
Bacterial bloom. But stats are perfect :D pH 7.2, Ammonia .25 (pretty sure because I used prime), and nitrites and nitrates 0. Then shrimp love the moss ball. Trying to get some algae for them so 14 hour light schedule. From 6:30-7:00 am in the morning to about 9-10 at night :)
Ah, thats the trouble with these small tiny tanks, its harder to keep parameters right but sorry you had to take it down :(
Hey ellie, your back long time no see lol. Yea im not a fan of tiny tanks for that reason as well.
Well, parameters were fine, and shrimp were doing better in it, just water changes were a struggle. I had to rinse the gravel every time because my siphon was too fast.

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