Wow, it must be rude post season across the internet, as I posted a response last night to a similar topic in a dog forum. Have a little copy & paste, it applies here as well;
I am nowhere near perfect, or all knowing when it comes to dogs. I do know that the folks that are judgemental to the point of being militant are many times just throwing a smokescreen for what they don't know. The truely knowledgable gurus in any subject can teach you what you may be doing wrong, in a non-judgemental way, and present it several ways if you are having a difficult time understanding. They know that making you comfortable with the information they present is more likely to end up with you using that info to your advantage. They know how to create a win/win situation, and are confident enough in their knowledge and ability that they don't feel the need at all to stuff their opinion down your throat.
When I see a response such as those that are upsetting you I stop, and think that the person responding is probably just past the rookie stage in the topic, and can not convey a reasonable response without trying to boost themselves past the level of knowledge they are at. They are often repeating information they have heard or read, and usually don't actually have much hands on experience on the topic at all.
If you think anyone is out of line, hit the report button, and it will be looked into.