Fish Fanatic
mine has also become very active. and i hand feed him brine shrimp
Ah thats good! Bloodworms even better! But ur not adressing the real issue here of ur completely unsuitable tank size. You need a plan my friend, u will be needing a tank double the volume you already have or need to know ur options of re-homing the little fella when he gets too big. He will not survive in there indefinately, even if he's tiny at the mo you may only have a matter of months maybe a year if ur lucky untill he will be too big or worse dead!
I Hate to be a downer but just think of this as the excuse you need to get another tank. I would never have considered a tank over 5ft but got an mbu puffer and thought, wow this is just the excuse i need to get myself a 10ft tank, whooohoo!
Please consider and plan a tank upgrade in the near future for ur elephantnoses sake, also having a bigger tank opens up ur options for alot more different, larger fish. Just for example I got a 90gal custom built (to the max size and dimensions you could go with 6mm glass to keep price down) glass sliding lid, a custom built wooden cabinet stand and lid to fit the tank, the same guy did the lot and cost me £140 brand new straight out of the workshop including delivery (just the glass tank without the stand would have been £80). Now i cant even find a 90liter for anywhere near that price in my local fish shop let alone a 90gallon!
You know you want to! we know you need to
edit: did I just read that you have 4 clown loaches in a 36gal??? unfortuantly my friend u have alot bigger problems ahead of you than that elephantnose, do you have any idea how huuuge clown loaches get? ur lookin at 125gal 6ft minimum for them alone!
edit2: ive just flicked through the forum, am i right in thinking you have a ropefish too? what tank is that in? they get 3ft no joke!